Feb 19, 2025  
2014-2015 University Catalog 
2014-2015 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The University Catalog lists all courses that pertain to the West Lafayette campus. In order to view courses that are available at a given time, and the details of such courses, please visit the myPurdue Schedule of Classes.

To search for a group of courses within a number range, enter an asterisk to note the unspecified value in the course code or number field. For example, to search for all AAE courses at the 50000 level, enter 5* in the “Code or Number” box.


Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

  • AAE 19000 - Introduction To Aerospace Engineering

    Credit Hours: 2.00. Emphasis on the nature of engineering and the engineering method, with special attention to aeronautical and astronautical problems; introduction to design. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 20000 - Undergraduate Sophomore Seminar

    Credit Hours: 0.00. The courses are intended to provide a forum for guest speakers, organizational and informational meetings with undergraduates, and to provide a venue for discussion of professional development. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 20300 - Aeromechanics I

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamental concepts and principles of bodies in motion, with applications to aeronautical and astronautical problems. Subjects covered include rectilinear motion, curvilinear motion, rotation, and plane motion. The static equilibrium and quasistatic equilibrium situations are treated as a part of motion in which the acceleration is zero. Problems involving impact, separation, work, and energy are considered. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 20400 - Aeromechanics II

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Loads on aircraft. Strain, stress, and equations of equilibrium. Description of aircraft structures and materials. Torsion of shafts. Fuselage and wing structures. Symmetrical bending and stiffness analysis of solid and stringer-panel box beams. Structural failures. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 20401 - Aeromechanics II Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.00. Introduction to strain gauges, dial gauges, and photoelasticity. Tensile test. Torsion of solid and hollow propeller shafts. Stress concentration around skin cut-outs. Bending of symmetrical box wing beams. Combined axial and flexural test of aircraft stringers. Buckling of slender stringers. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 25100 - Introduction To Aerospace Design

    Credit Hours: 3.00. The role of design in aerospace engineering. Introduction to aerodynamics, performance, propulsion, structures, stability and control, and weights. Layout and general arrangement of aerospace vehicles. Design concept generation and selection. Computational methods for design. Trade studies and graphical optimization. Conceptual design exercise involving aircraft, spacecraft, or both. Technical presentations and communication for aerospace engineering. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 29199 - Professional Practice Extensive Co-Op I

    Credit Hours: 0.00. Professional experience in aeronautics and astronautics. Program coordinated by school with cooperation of participating employers. Students submit summary report and company evaluation. Professional Practice students only. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 29299 - Professional Practice Extensive Co-Op II

    Credit Hours: 0.00. Professional experience in aeronautics and astronautics. Program coordinated by school with cooperation of participating employers. Students submit summary report and company evaluation. Professional Practice students only. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 30000 - Undergraduate Junior Seminar

    Credit Hours: 0.00. The courses are intended to provide a forum for guest speakers, organizational and informational meetings with undergraduates, and to provide a venue for discussion of professional development. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 30100 - Signal Analysis For Aerospace Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Signal processing and spectral analysis for aerospace engineering. Fourier and fast Fourier transforms. Vibration analysis; estimation of natural frequencies, wing vibrations. Introduction to linear circuits, operational amplifiers and filtering. Noise suppression. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 33300 - Fluid Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Kinematics of fluids and conservation equations for mass, momentum, and energy. Viscous and inviscid incompressible flow. Lift and drag in subsonic flow. Introduction to compressibility and boundary layers. Potential flow. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 33301 - Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.00. A laboratory course designed to illustrate various aerodynamic phenomena. Experiments in incompressible viscous flow; flow measurement and visualization; laminar and turbulent boundary layers; wakes. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 33400 - Aerodynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Incompressible airfoil and lifting line theory. Steady and unsteady, one-dimensional, linear and nonlinear flows. Normal shock waves. Steady, supersonic, two-dimensional linear and nonlinear flows. Oblique shock waves. Perturbation theory for wings and bodies. Design applications. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 33401 - Aerodynamics Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.00. A laboratory course designed to illustrate various aerodynamic phenomena. Airfoil pressure distribution. Finite wing lift, drag, and moment. Supersonic flow around bodies. Shock waves. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 33800 - Thermal Sciences

    Credit Hours: 3.00. A fundamental course covering a range of topics selected from the disciplines of engineering thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer and combustion, with an emphasis on their application to propulsion. This is an entry level course to prepare students for advanced analysis of propulsion and energy systems. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to apply fundamental principles to perform thermodynamic analysis for thermophysical problems involving fluid flow, heat transfer and combustion. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 33900 - Aerospace Propulsion

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Survey of air-breathing and rocket propulsion systems for AAE students not in the propulsion option. Thermodynamic cycles, analysis of air-breathing systems and components. Rocket Equation, rocket cycles, liquid and solid propellants, chemical equilibrium. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 34000 - Dynamics And Vibrations

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies. Topics include a particle in orbit, systems of particles, vibrations, Euler’s equations of motion, Eulerian angles, and aerospace vehicle dynamics. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 35103 - Aerospace Systems Design

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Aerospace system lifecycle and design process. Stakeholder needs elicitation and requirements generation. Quality function deployment and hierarchical objective trees. Concept generation and creativity techniques. Introduction to safety, risk, cost and value analysis. Critical evaluation of the applicability of systems engineering techniques in specific contexts. Application of these techniques to a team semester design project. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 35200 - Structural Analysis I

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Properties of wing and fuselage sections. Beam-column moments. Torsion of thin-walled and skin-stringer multiple-cell sections. Nonsymmetrical bending of skin-stringer wing sections. Flexural shear in open and closed thin-walled and skin-stringer sections. Loads and stresses in the rib system. Cutouts and shear lag. Modified beam theory for wing and fuselage design. Deflection by energy method. Introduction to composite structures. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 35201 - Structural Analysis I Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.00. Location of shear center. Torsion of thin-walled open and closed sections. Torsion of multiple-cell, thin-walled section. Nonsymmetrical bending of skin-stringer cross section. Shear lag effect. Bending of composite beam. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 36100 - Introduction To Random Variables In Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Events, sample space, probability, conditional probability, independence, random variables. Probability mass functions, density functions, and cumulative distribution functions. Derived probability density functions. Bernoulli, Poisson, and normal processes. Applications to engineering problems. Some fundamental limit theorems. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 36400 - Control System Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Modeling and analysis of dynamical systems with aerospace applications. Laplace transforms, transfer functions, block diagrams. Transient and steady-state response of dynamical systems. Root Locus, Bode, Nyquist methods for control systems analysis. Introduction to controller design. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 36401 - Control Systems Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.00. Enhance student awareness of control systems by providing hands-on experience using dynamic systems representative of air and space vehicles. Design of a control system from start to finish by mapping requirements into control solutions through the process of modeling, identification, and controller design (PID and Lead-Lag). Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 37200 - Jet Propulsion Power Plants

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Basic operating principles and analysis of performance characteristics of jet propulsion systems (air breathing and rocket). Ramjet, turbojet, and turbofan cycle analysis. Analysis of flow through inlets, combustors, nozzles, compressors, turbines. Component matching. Liquid and solid propellant rockets. Not open to students with credit in ME 43800 . Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 38199 - Professional Practice Co-Op I

    Credit Hours: 0.00. To obtain professional practice with qualified employers within industry, government, or small business. Professional Practice students only. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 38299 - Professional Practice Co-Op II

    Credit Hours: 0.00. To obtain professional practice with qualified employers within industry, government, or small business. Professional Practice students only. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 38399 - Professional Practice Co-Op III

    Credit Hours: 0.00. To obtain professional practice with qualified employers within industry, government, or small business. Professional Practice students only. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 39000 - Professional Internship

    Credit Hours: 0.00. Professional experience in aerospace engineering. Program coordinated by the school with cooperation of participating employers. Students submit a summary report. Course may be taken more than once. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 39399 - Professional Practice Extensive Co-Op III

    Credit Hours: 0.00. Professional experience in aeronautics and astronautics. Program coordinated by school with cooperation of participating employers. Students submit summary report and company evaluation. Professional Practice students only. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 39499 - Professional Practice Extensive Co-Op IV

    Credit Hours: 0.00. Professional experience in aeronautics and astronautics. Program coordinated by school with cooperation of participating employers. Students submit summary report and company evaluation. Professional Practice students only. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 39500 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Credit Hours: 0.00. The course is intended to provide a forum for guest speakers, organizational and informational meetings with undergraduates and to provide a venue for assessment. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 39599 - Professional Practice Extensive Co-Op V

    Credit Hours: 0.00. Professional experience in aeronautics and astronautics. Program coordinated by school with cooperation of participating employers. Students submit summary report and company evaluation. Professional Practice students only. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 39699 - Professional Practice Internship

    Credit Hours: 0.00. Professional experience in aeronautics and astronautics. Program coordinated by school with cooperation of participating employers. Students submit summary report and company evaluation. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 40000 - Undergraduate Senior Seminar

    Credit Hours: 1.00. A lecture-demonstration series emphasizing evaluation of career options, identification and development of professional skills. Example of career-related topics include choosing a job, and post graduate education in engineering or other disciplines. Examples of professional skills topics covered include interviewing, writing, and ethics. Assessment of student achievement of AAE program learning outcomes. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 41200 - Introduction To Computational Fluid Dynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Introductory course in the formulation and application of finite difference methods for solving fluid flow problems. Classification of partial differential equations and formulation of well-posed problems. Discrete approximation of partial differential equations: stability, consistency, and convergence. Finite-volume formulations. Survey of methods for solving hyperbolic, elliptic, and parabolic problems. Formulation of discrete boundary conditions. Application of methods to one- and two-dimensional flow problems. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 41600 - Viscous Flows

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Navier-Stokes equations, boundary layer theory, frictional drag and heating, separation and transition. Turbulent flows. Computational methods for laminar and turbulent flows. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 41800 - Zero-Gravity Flight Experiment

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Team-based design-build-test engineering experience to maximize the benefits of student participation in the NASA Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunity Program (or similar). Gravity, orbits, and weightlessness. Low-gravity capillary fluid physics, scaling laws, and components. Experiment design for multiple short zero gravity test times. Technical proposal writing, design for manufacturability, experiment fabrication, planning, testing, and execution. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 42100 - Flight Dynamics And Control

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Flight vehicle rigid-body equations of motion; linearization via small perturbation techniques. Trim analysis, static and dynamic stability, aerodynamic stability derivatives and control effectiveness. Vehicle transfer functions, stability augmentation, aircraft handling qualities. Introduction to flexible vehicle effects. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 43900 - Rocket Propulsion

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Flight mechanics and the propulsion system requirements for terrestrial and interplanetary flight. Basic principles and performance of solid and liquid chemical rocket propulsion systems. Elements of nuclear rockets, nuclear-electrical power systems, and electrical propulsion systems. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 44000 - Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Description of orientation, angular velocity, and angular acceleration in terms of direction cosines, Euler parameters, and angles. Forces and moments acting on space vehicles. Attitude stability of various types of satellites in circular and elliptic orbits. Spin stabilization and gravity gradient torques. Gyroscopic devices and energy dissipation. Introduction to attitude control. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 44300 - Industrial Practices Seminar

    Credit Hours: 1.00. Students give oral presentations describing their employers and employment during their last coop/intern work session. Outside speakers from industry will also be solicited. Intended primarily for intern and cooperative students enrolled in A&AE. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 45000 - Spacecraft Design

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Senior students perform a team-based spacecraft design, requiring application of the education and skills developed in the aerospace curriculum. Components include analysis methods for preliminary design, development of an initial vehicle concept, and development of a complete numerical model of the mission, culminating in oral and written reports by the teams. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 45100 - Aircraft Design

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Senior students perform a team-based aircraft design, requiring application of the education and skills developed in the aerospace curriculum. Aircraft mission requirements include engine cycle selection and airframe/engine integration, performance, stability and control, structures, human factors, avionics, sensors, and manufacturing processes. The teams present oral and written reports on their designs. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 45300 - Matrix Methods In Aerospace Structures

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Matrix algebra and its programming. Energy principles and finite element formulation method. Coordinate transformation and assemblage. Stiffness, mass, and incremental stiffness matrices for aircraft elements - bar, beam, and shear panel. Analysis and design of wing box and fuselage structures using simple computer programs (static and dynamic). Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
  • AAE 45400 - Design Of Aerospace Structures

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Design/failure criteria for aerospace structures, materials selection, introduction to manufacturing methods, structural assemblies, component details, concurrent engineering, and interdisciplinary design teams. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 49000 - Special Problems In Aeronautical Engineering

    Arrange Hours and Credit. Hours and credit to be arranged. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 50700 - Principles Of Dynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Kinematics, fundamental laws of mechanics, constraints, and generalized coordinates. Lagrange’s equations, virtual work. Application to particle dynamics, rigid body motion, and spacecraft dynamics. Knowledge of differential equations required. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 50800 - Optimization In Aerospace Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Formulation of optimization problems encountered in aerospace engineering. Minima of functions and functionals, necessary conditions, calculus of variations, control formulation, two-point boundary-value problems. Applications to typical problems in aerospace engineering, such as optimal launch, minimum time to climb, maximum range, and optimal space trajectories. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 51100 - Introduction To Fluid Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. The basic conservation equations are derived for a compressible viscous fluid, and then are specialized for applications in potential flow, viscous flow, and gas dynamics. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 51200 - Computational Aerodynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Finite difference methods for solving fluid flow problems. Review of classification of partial differential equations, well-posed problems, and discrete approximation of partial differential equations. Matrix and von Neumann stability analysis. Consistency and convergence. Grid generation: elliptic, hyperbolic, and transfinite mesh generation methods. Methods for solving the unsteady Euler equations: finite-volume formulations, flux-split and flux-difference formulations, shock-capturing, formulation of boundary conditions, artificial viscosity models, and multi-grid acceleration. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 51400 - Intermediate Aerodynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Thin airfoil theory and panel methods. Three-dimensional elementary solutions, lifting-line and lifting-surface models. Slender wing and slender body theory. Normal/oblique shock waves. One- and multi-dimensional flows and conical flows. Method of characteristics. Introduction to transonic flow, hypersonic flow, and airfoil design. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 51500 - Rotorcraft Aerodynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) concepts and configurations. Rotor kinematics. Momentum and blade element theory. Rotor wakes and noise. Airfoil design for rotorcraft. Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques, rotorcraft performance, and design. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 51700 - Unsteady Aerodynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Review of inviscid fluid dynamics. Linearized flow theory; indicial and harmonic responses; panel methods for unsteady airfoils and wings. Simple applications to dynamic simulation and aeroelastic stability. Nonlinear theory for transonic flow; introduction to time dependent finite difference methods. FORTRAN programming used extensively. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 51800 - Low-Gravity Fluid Dynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Theory and design for control of liquid propellants in weightlessness. Gravity and orbits review. Satellite and space-probe acceleration environments. Capillary-dominated fluid dynamics: contact angle, surface tension, curvatures, and solution methods. Industry practice and current topics. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 51900 - Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Aerodynamics of satellites and planetary re-entry. Continuum hypersonic flow. Inviscid and viscous effects, boundary layers, and heat transfer. Shock and boundary-layer interactions. Equilibrium flow of high-temperature reacting gases. Nonequilibrium effects. Kinetic theory and rarefied flows. Direct simulation Monte Carlo techniques. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 52000 - Experimental Aerodynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Theory and application of experimental techniques and instrumentation for aerodynamics and fluid mechanics. Computer data acquisition, wind tunnels, force balances, flow visualization, pressure probes, hot wire anemometry, laser Doppler velocimetry and turbulence measurements. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 53200 - Orbit Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Orbit determination of near-earth satellites and various perturbations; libration and attitude control; orbit transfer and interception; lunar theory and interplanetary orbits; ascending mechanics and re-entry. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 53500 - Propulsion Design, Build, Test

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Intensive one-semester treatment of the aerospace propulsion component development process. Derivation of design requirements from mission objective to detailed components; the design process. Standard methods for thermostructural, life, performance, and combustion stability design analysis; combustor design. Experimental procedures; fabrication; test. Special topics according to student interest. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 53700 - Hypersonic Propulsion

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Analysis of advanced high speed air breathing propulsion concepts for hypersonic flight. Missions and trajectories. Engine/airframe integration. Aerothermodynamic analysis of ramjets, scramjets, and oblique detonation wave engines. On- and off-design of compression inlets and minimum length nozzles. Cryogenic fuels and skin cooling. Ram accelerator ballistic launch concepts. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 53800 - Air Breathing Propulsion

    Credit Hours: 3.00. (ME 53800 ) Analysis of operating characteristics of turbojet, turbofan, turboshaft, afterburning, and ramjet propulsion systems. Analysis and design of inlet, diffuser, combustor, compressor, turbine, nozzle. Component matching and off-design performance. Inlet distortion, nozzle-afterbody, and installation losses. Mission analysis. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 53900 - Advanced Rocket Propulsion

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Generalized internal compressible and incompressible flows. Thermochemistry and heat transfer in rocket applications. Advanced topics in solid rocket motor performance and internal ballistics. Liquid rocket engine cycle analysis and turbopump design. Combustion of liquid and solid propellants. Hybrid rockets and thermal-nuclear engines. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 54600 - Aerospace Structural Dynamics And Stability

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Dynamics of continuous systems: rod, beam, frame, and plate structures. General structural principles: virtual work, Hamilton’s principle, Lagrange’s equation, and Ritz method for discrete approximations. Modal analysis: eigenanalysis, mode shapes, mode superposition, and complex modes. Nonlinear vibrations: phase plane, Poincare, bifurcation plots, and chaos. Stability of the motion: classification of problems, follower loads, aerodynamic loads, divergence, flutter, pulsating compression, and gyroscopic systems. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 54700 - Experimental Stress Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Theory and application of photoelastic, electric strain gage, and brittle lacquer methods of experimental solution of 2- and 3-D structures problems for static and dynamic loadings. Introductions to holography, moire, and photoviscoelasticity. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 55000 - Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Basics of numerical optimization: problem formulation, conditions of optimality, search direction, and step length. Calculus-based techniques for univariate and multivariate optimization. Constrained and unconstrained optimization methods. Global optimization methods. Multi-objective optimization: Pareto optimality and approaches. Recent multidisciplinary design optimization techniques: approximations, response surface methodology, and collaborative optimization. Applications of various methods and techniques to representative engineering problems, culminating in a final project. Ability to solve mathematical problems with MATLAB and IMSL and similar software helpful. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 55100 - Design Theory And Methods For Aerospace Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to design theory, aerospace design process, design specification and requirements, concept generation and selection, design decomposition, improving designs, process design, and concurrent engineering. Design for assembly/manufacture. Projects allow for application and critical analysis of design methods. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 55200 - Nondestructive Evaluation Of Structures And Materials

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Overview of methods employed for nondestructive evaluation of structures and materials taught in the context of damage tolerant structural analysis. Major inspection topics include: radiography, ultrasonics, eddy current, penetrant, magnetic, and visual/optical techniques. Other new emerging inspection techniques also are discussed. Offered in alternate years. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 55300 - Elasticity In Aerospace Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3.00. A basic course in the theory of elasticity with emphasis on understanding the fundamental principles and solution techniques used in the stress analysis of structures. Cartesian tensors. Governing equations for linear elasticity. Rigorous derivation of beam and plate equations from the three-dimensional elasticity equations. Torsion. Thermoelasticity. The stress functions and complex functions approaches to two-dimensional problems. Energy methods and approximate solutions. Three-dimensional problems. Knowledge of differential equations assumed. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 55400 - Fatigue Of Structures And Materials

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Development and application of methods for predicting the fatigue life of structural components. Characterization and response of materials to cyclic loading. Fatigue resistant design of aerospace structures. Both fatigue crack initiation and crack propagation concepts are discussed. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 55500 - Mechanics Of Composite Materials

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Current and potential applications of composite materials. Review of elasticity of anisotropic solids. Methods for determining mechanical properties of heterogeneous materials. Static and dynamic analyses of laminated composites. Fracture and fatigue of laminates. Reliability, testing, and design of composites. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 55600 - Aeroelasticity

    Credit Hours: 3.00. The study of the effect of aerodynamic forces of flexible aircraft. Static aeroelastic problems; control effectiveness; lift effectiveness; divergence. Dynamic aeroelasticity; classical flutter; an introduction to stability augmentation with controls. A review of standard and modern numerical solution techniques; the k-method, the British or p-k method. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 55800 - Finite Element Methods In Aerospace Structures

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to the use of advanced finite element methods in the calculuation of deformation, strain, and stress in aerospace structures. Topics include: 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, and axisymmetric elements, isoparametric element formulation, convergence, treatment of boundary conditions and constraints. Special topics include stability, dynamic analysis, and nonlinear material behavior. Emphasis is on the theoretical knowledge of the finite element method. Applied experience is gained by solution of aerospace structural analysis problems through use of professional software. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 55900 - The Mechanics Of Friction And Wear

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to tribology. Review of elasticity and Hertzian contact. Analytical and numerical methods for non-Hertzian contact, including frictional and elastic-plastic contact. Surface roughness. Friction laws and frictional heating. Wear models and wear testing. Lubrication. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 56000 - System-Of-Systems Modeling And Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to features of system-of-systems problems; problem definition tools; role of complexity; network topology analysis and agent-based simulation models; architecture analysis; metrics for multi-stakeholder problems; semester team projects allow students to exercise and critique such methods for analyzing system-of-systems problems. Some background in probability and statistics (e.g. random variables, probability density and distributions, sampling methods) is expected. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 56400 - Systems Analysis And Synthesis

    Credit Hours: 3.00. State space methods of analysis and design of continuous and discrete-time linear systems. Coordinate transformations, Jordan canonical forms, digital control, controllability and observability of continuous and discrete systems. Liapunov stability analysis. The linear regulator problem of optimal control via Hamilton Jacobi theory. Pole assignment, stabilizability, detectability. State estimation for deterministic models. Minimal order observers. MA 51100  recommended concurrently. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 56500 - Guidance And Control Of Aerospace Vehicles

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Optimal control theory and application to trajectory optimization; flight control synthesis and guidance law development; handling qualities; stability augmentation; auto-pilots. Launch vehicle and ballistic missile attitude control. AAE 56400  recommended. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 56700 - Introduction To Applied Stochastic Processes

    Credit Hours: 3.00. An introductory course in the concept of a discrete and continuous stochastic process based upon physical phenomena that originally gave rise to the specific stochastic models that are studies. Spectral analysis, response of time invariant systems to noise inputs. Estimation theory, Kalman and Winer filtering. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 56800 - Applied Optimal Control And Estimation

    Credit Hours: 3.00. This course introduces students to analysis and synthesis methods of optimal controllers and estimators for (stochastic) dynamical systems. The topics in this course include a review of probability and stochastic processes, classical estimation techniques, Pontryagin’s maximum principle, dynamic programming. Linear Quadratic Regulator problems (LQR), Kalman filter, duality of LQR with Kalman filter, Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG), and a range of engineering applications. Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 57500 - Introduction To Satellite Navigation And Positioning

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to radio-navigation techniques, using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS); GNSS signal structures; satellite search and acquisition; satellite tracking; coordinate systems and time; observations; atmospheric effects; and position-velocity-time (PVT) solutions. Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 59000 - Projects In Aeronautical Engineering

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 6.00. Topics vary - projects in Aeronautical Engineering. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • AAE 59500 - Aerospace Seminar

    Credit Hours: 0.00. An interdisciplinary seminar that provides a forum for invited speakers and staff to discuss new developments in practice and current research in aerospace engineering. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
  • AAE 60700 - Variational Principles Of Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Basic concepts of analytical mechanics, calculus of variations, Hamilton’s equations, Hamilton-Jacobi theory, canonical transformations. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: AAE 50700 . Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 61300 - Viscous Flow Theory

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Compressible, laminar boundary layer theory; Buseman and Crocco integrals; skin friction and heat transfer. Introduction to turbulent boundary layers and transition phenomena. Advanced boundary layer theory; the method of inner and outer expansions. Boundary layers with chemical reaction; applications to hypersonic flow and combustion. Prerequisite: AAE 51100 . Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 61500 - Aeroacoustics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. (ME 61500 ) Quantitative measures of sound (Decibel) scales, spectra, energetics of acoustic motions, and measurement techniques). The wave theory of sound (basic equations and properties, sound propagation in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media, one-, two-, and three-dimensional sound fields, and distributed sources). Effects of source movement. Aerodynamic noise generation-acoustic analogy (Lighthill’s equation and Ffowcs Williams-Hawkins equation). Introduction to Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA). Noise from turbulent shear flows (jet noise, cavity noise, and noise from flow over objects). Noise from turbomachinery, propellers, and rotors. Prerequisite: AAE 51100  or ME 50900  or ME 51300 . Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 62400 - Laminar-Turbulent Transition

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Instability mechanisms, such as Kelvin-Helmholtz, Tollmien-Schlichting, Gortler, and crossflow. Secondary instabilities. Nonlinear and nonparallel effects; the Parabolized Stability Equations; receptivity; transition prediction. Effects of compressibility, heating, roughness, turbulence, noise, curvature, etc. Turbulent spots and the extent of transitional flow. Prerequisite: AAE 51100 . Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 62600 - Turbulence And Turbulence Modeling

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Physical description of turbulence. Reynolds averaged equations. Scaling of basic turbulent flows. Homogeneous turbulence, spectra and two-point correlations. Hierarchy of turbulence models, including zero-, one-, and two-equation models, Reynolds stress models, large eddy simulations, and direct numerical simulations. Additional topics, such as compressibility effects on turbulence and probability density function methods, as time allows. Prerequisite: AAE 51100 . Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 63200 - Advanced Orbital Dynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Discussion of more advanced concepts in astrodynamics. Includes fundamental theories from celestial mechanics, as well as trajectory determination and perturbation analysis with application to the motion of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary spacecraft. Assumes experience with the two-body problem. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: AAE 50700 , AAE 53200 . Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 64200 - Graduate Professional Practice

    Credit Hours: 0.00. Practice in industry and comprehensive written reports of this practice. Approval by the student’s adviser or major professor and by the Graduate professional practice administrator. Prerequisite: Approval by the student’s adviser or major professor and by the Graduate professional practice administrator. Typically offered Spring Summer Fall.
  • AAE 64600 - Elastic Wave Propagation

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Elastic wave propagation in rods, beams, and plates. Wave motion in semi-infinite bodies; Rayleigh, Lamb and Love waves. Pochhammer-Chree theory for rods. General properties of dispersive waves and approximation techniques. Impact. Wave front and ray methods. Introduction to wave propagation in anelastic and nonhomogenous media, and to large amplitude and shock waves. Prerequisite: AAE 55300  or ME 56300 . Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 65400 - Fracture Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Methods of stress analysis in elastic media containing cracks. Fracture criteria. The strain energy release rate and J-integral. Crack tip plasticity. Interface cracks. Cracks in anisotropic solids. Bending of cracked plates. Dynamic crack propagation. Prerequisite: AAE 55300 . Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 66600 - Nonlinear Dynamics, Systems, And Control

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamental concepts and tools that are useful in the analysis of nonlinear systems and in the design of controllers and estimators for such systems. Results are illustrated by, and applied to, aerospace/mechanical systems. Prerequisite: AAE 56400 . Typically offered Spring.
  • AAE 66800 - Hybrid Systems: Theory And Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Hybrid systems are dynamical systems with both continuous and discrete dynamics and they are finding increasing applications in a variety of engineering fields, even in scientific fields such as biological systems. This course will present the recent advances in modeling, analysis, control, and verification of hybrid systems. Topics covered in this course include the following aspects of hybrid systems: continuous-time and discrete-event models; reachability analysis; safety specifications and model checking; optimal control and estimation of hybrid systems; stability analysis and verification tools; stochastic hybrid systems; numerical simulations; and a range of engineering applications. Prerequisites: AAE 56400 . Typically offered Fall.
  • AAE 69000 - Advanced Aeronautical Engineering Projects

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 6.00. Topics vary. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 69800 - Research MS Thesis

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 18.00. Research MS Thesis. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • AAE 69900 - Research PhD Thesis

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 18.00. Research PhD Thesis. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.

Aerospace Studies

  • AFT 11000 - Foundations Of Air Force I

    Credit Hours: 1.00. A survey of officership, professionalism, communications skills, the organization of the Air Force, and the missions of the various Air Force major commands. Emphasis is placed on helping students understand what they would experience as an Air Force officer. Typically offered Fall.
  • AFT 11100 - Air Force ROTC Leadership Laboratory I

    Credit Hours: 1.00. Introduction to military training. Introduction to drill and ceremonies, study and experience in Air Force standards, customs and courtesies. Typically offered Fall.
  • AFT 12000 - Foundations Of Air Force II

    Credit Hours: 1.00. A survey of Air Force installations design and location, Air Force professions, principles of flight, geopolitics, defense policy and strategy, terrorism, and the Air Force’s partner services in the Department of Defense. Emphasis is placed on helping students understand what they would experience as an Air Force officer. Typically offered Spring.
  • AFT 12100 - Air Force ROTC Leadership Laboratory II

    Credit Hours: 1.00. Reinforces Air Force military training, drill and ceremonies, study and experience in Air Force standards, customs and courtesies. Typically offered Spring.
  • AFT 23000 - The Evolution Of USAF Air And Space Power I

    Credit Hours: 1.00. Examines the development of air power from the beginning of manned flight through World War II. It traces the development of various concepts of employment of air power in this era and focuses upon factors that have prompted research and technological change. The impact of leadership on the development of Air Force doctrine is explored. Typically offered Fall.
  • AFT 23100 - Air Force ROTC Leadership Laboratory III

    Credit Hours: 1.00. Cadets experiment with and develop leadership/management skills. Study of Air Force customs and courtesies, drill and ceremonies, and giving military commands; instructing, correcting, and evaluating the preceding skills, and study the Air Force officer environment. Typically offered Fall.

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