Italian |
ITAL 49300 - Advanced Topics In Italian Literature Or Cinema Credit Hours: 3.00. This course will analyze in depth particular aspects of Italian literature, cinema or culture. No knowledge of Italian necessary. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
ITAL 59000 - Directed Reading In Italian Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Directed readings in Italian. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Spring Fall Summer. |
Japanese |
JPNS 10100 - Japanese Level I Credit Hours: 3.00 or 4.00. A basic study of standard Japanese. Students will be introduced to spoken and written forms of the language from the beginning. Language form and use are equally emphasized. Relevant cultural aspects. Hiragana, Katakana, and 85 Kanji. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
JPNS 10200 - Japanese Level II Credit Hours: 3.00 or 4.00. A continuation of the study of elementary Japanese. Task-oriented activities will be incorporated to encourage language use as well as pattern practice for linguistic accuracy. Relevant cultural aspects will be introduced. 120 Kanji. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
JPNS 20100 - Japanese Level III Credit Hours: 3.00 or 4.00. A study of intermediate Japanese. Occasional use of authentic materials for listening and reading practice. Task-oriented exercises, communicative activities, and pattern practice are used to facilitate learning of the spoken and written language. 110 Kanji. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
JPNS 20200 - Japanese Level IV Credit Hours: 3.00 or 4.00. A continuation of intermediate Japanese. Active use of authentic materials for listening and reading practice. Task-oriented exercises, communicative activities, and pattern practice for learning of the spoken and written language. 150 Kanji. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
JPNS 23000 - Japanese Literature In Translation Credit Hours: 3.00. Reading and discussion of selected texts from major writers and genres. The course provides a broad survey of the Japanese literary tradition and its cultural and historical background. Emphasis may vary from year to year. Knowledge of Japanese not required. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 24100 - Introduction To The Study Of Japanese Literature Credit Hours: 3.00. Reading and discussion of selected Japanese poetry, prose, and drama; introduction to methods of literary criticism, applied to the reading of Japanese literary discourse. Texts, discussion, and written assignments largely in Japanese. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 28000 - Introduction To Modern Japanese Civilization Credit Hours: 3.00. A survey of modern Japanese culture. Various aspects are covered, such as geography, economy, society, the political system, family, education, traditional arts, business, and language. Current issues will be discussed in a timely manner. Lectures in English. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 30100 - Japanese Level V Credit Hours: 3.00. Continued development of Japanese speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities, using materials dealing primarily with everyday life and civilization in Japan from a variety of sources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, TV, recent literature, etc.). Conducted primarily in Japanese. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 30200 - Japanese Level VI Credit Hours: 3.00. Further work to develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities in Japanese, on the basis of materials dealing with the ideas and events that have shaped present-day Japan. Conducted primarily in Japanese. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 31300 - Intermediate Reading In Japanese I Credit Hours: 3.00. This course provides students with further study in reading Japanese at the intermediate level. The course also reviews and introduces 500 basic kanji. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 33000 - Japanese Cinema Credit Hours: 3.00. A survey of the development of Japanese cinema after World War II. The class focuses on the viewing and discussion of the films and examines a variety of directors with different styles and thematic messages. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 34100 - Japanese Literature I: Modern Japanese Literature Credit Hours: 3.00. Selected reading of poetry, drama, and fiction of modern Japanese literature. Students will read and discuss major authors and texts and will write critical essays on literary topics. Conducted largely in Japanese. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 34200 - Japanese Literature II: Classical Japanese Literature Credit Hours: 3.00. Selected reading of classical Japanese poetry, prose, and drama. Students will gain reading skills in classical Japanese and will discuss and write critical essays on various literary topics. Conducted largely in Japanese. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 36100 - Elementary Survey Of Japanese Linguistics Credit Hours: 3.00. This course surveys all areas of Japanese Linguistics, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, focusing on systematizing fragmentary knowledge students are assumed to have acquired through Japanese language courses. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 36200 - The Structure Of Japanese II: Advanced Sentence Structure And Applied Linguistics Credit Hours: 3.00. Presents the structure of Japanese complex sentences as well as selected aspects of inter-sentential structures, and treats selected sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic aspects of the language. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 36300 - Relationship Of Japanese Language And Society Credit Hours: 3.00. This course examines the Japanese language with reference to the way the language is being used in the Japanese society. Particular areas include keigo (honorific language), aizuchi (backchannel), silence, gender issues, in-group vs. out-group. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 39900 - Special Study Abroad Credit In Japanese Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. This course number is for assignment after the fact of credits in Japanese earned while enrolled at a foreign university on a Study Abroad program which cannot be appropriately accommodated under an established Purdue course number. It is not for use for courses offered at or conducted by Purdue. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
JPNS 40100 - Japanese Level VII Credit Hours: 3.00. Advanced work on the development of Japanese speaking, reading, and writing abilities, focusing on materials dealing with culture and the arts of Japan. Conducted mostly in Japanese. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 40200 - Japanese Level VIII Credit Hours: 2.00. Further advanced work on speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities in Japanese. Course materials will cover a variety of topics illustrated by film and other media, both print and nonprint. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 48000 - Japanese Civilization Credit Hours: 3.00. This course introduces various aspects of contemporary Japanese culture through readings and discussions. Topics include geography, history, family, education, society, religion, and values. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 49000 - Special Topics In Japanese Language Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. Topics vary. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 52100 - Teaching Japanese As A Foreign Language Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduces a wide range of techniques used in teaching Japanese as a foreign language. Discusses theoretical issues concerned with the learning and teaching of Japanese. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Spring Fall. |
JPNS 54300 - Modern Japanese Popular Literature And Culture Credit Hours: 3.00. A study of modern Japanese entertainment literature, together with cinema, comic strips, animations, and contemporary theaters. Emphasis is on the examination of the development of the modern Japanese cultural consciousness expressed in the area of popular literature and culture. Typically offered Spring Fall. |
JPNS 56000 - Survey Of Japanese Linguistics Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is intended to provide the student with a systematic overview of the Japanese language. It covers most major areas of linguistics, from phonetics to pragmatics. Conducted in Japanese. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 57500 - Theories Of Japanese Language Acquistion Credit Hours: 3.00. Advanced course designed to provide an overview of major theoretical issues in Japanese language acquisition research. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
JPNS 59000 - Directed Reading In Japanese Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Directed readings in Japanese. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
JPNS 59400 - Special Topics In Japanese Literature Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Reading and extensive discussion of selected texts from different writers and genres. Provides in-depth research on a variety of issues related to Japanese literary and cultural traditions. Knowledge of advanced Japanese required. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Spring Fall. |
JPNS 59600 - Special Topics In Japanese Linguistics. Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Topics vary. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Spring Fall. |
JPNS 67900 - Seminar In Japanese Linguistics Credit Hours: 3.00. Advanced study and research on a significant topic in Japanese linguistics. Topic to be announced in advance. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
JPNS 69800 - Research MA Thesis Credit Hours: 1.00 to 18.00. Research MA Thesis. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
Jewish Studies |
JWST 33000 - Introduction To Jewish Studies Credit Hours: 3.00. An interdisciplinary course touching on the full range of Jewish experience from antiquity to the present. Several members of the Jewish Studies faculty and guest lecturers participate, representing such fields as anthropology, history, language, literature, philosophy, politics, religion, and sociology. Typically offered Spring. |
JWST 59000 - Directed Readings In Jewish Studies Credit Hours: 3.00. A reading course in aspects of Judaica directed by the instructor in whose particular field of specialization the content of the reading falls. Permission of Instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
Landscape Architecture |
LA 10100 - Survey Of Landscape Architecture Credit Hours: 3.00. A general overview of the profession of landscape architecture and a description of Purdue’s landscape architecture program. This course will provide entering prelandscape architecture and landscape horticulture-design students a preview of the profession that they have chosen to pursue and will be a general information course for students across the campus who have an interest in becoming familiar with landscape architecture. Typically offered Fall. |
LA 11600 - Graphic Communication For Students Of Landscape Architects And Design Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to design and presentation techniques fundamental to landscape architecture. Short projects give students exposure to a variety of presentation materials (pencil, ink, pastel, watercolor and acrylic, paper and board) to freehand lettering, and to two- and three-dimensional illustrations. Materials used are purchased by the student. Typically offered Fall. |
LA 11700 - Computer Technology In Design Credit Hours: 3.00. An introductory course that covers the computer technology skills needed to communicate, create, and implement designs in the field of landscape architecture. The course will include current technology in the following areas: CAD, desktop publishing, image processing, GIS, spread sheet, file transfer protocol, scanning, printing and file management. Permission of department required. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 15000 - Preservation Issues Credit Hours: 1.00. An introduction to the preservation movement in the United States, focusing on the chronology of developments and organizational structure of the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors at the federal, state, and local levels. Course meets during weeks 1-5. Typically offered Fall. |
LA 15100 - Building Preservation Credit Hours: 1.00. Identification of architectural styles, the language of preservation, preparation of a national register application, tax credits and tax incentives for historic preservation will be covered. The student is to develop a working knowledge of the Secretary of Interior Historic Preservation Guidelines. Course meets during weeks 6-10. Typically offered Fall. |
LA 15200 - Community Preservation Credit Hours: 1.00. Downtown revitalization using historic preservation as an economic development strategy will be presented. The unit focuses on the roles of the National Main Street Center, Indiana Main Street Center, federal, state, and local legislative initiatives and local historic districts, guidelines, and local historic review boards. Course meets during weeks 11-15. Typically offered Fall. |
LA 16600 - History And Theory Of Landscape Architecture Credit Hours: 3.00. A study of the historic evolution of landscape architecture to the status of a recognized profession. The course covers the social, economic, political, climatic, and other factors that have influenced the development of design styles and theories. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 17600 - Urbanization And Change In The Midwest Landscape Credit Hours: 2.00. This course traces the evolution and meaning of the human-made midwest environment from the retreat of the Wisconsin glacier to the present. The course intertwines economic, cultural, historical, political, technological, anthropological, and social data to develop a working model of change in the midwestern environment. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 21600 - Landscape Architectural Design I Credit Hours: 3.00. Landscape architectural site design, an introduction into processes and products. Building on the introduction to graphics in L A 116 this is an introduction to the processes and production of site design and development drawings. Recording, conceptualizing and presenting site design ideas through problem solving projects. Emphasis on hand and computer drafting and drawing skills to communicate design ideas. Permission of department required. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 22600 - Landscape Architectural Design II Credit Hours: 4.00. Methods, principles and the process of designing in the built environment. Basic principles of site organization and composition are presented and applied in a series of exercises and studio projects. Role of the design process is reinforced both as a problem-solving tool and as a means of creativity and ideation. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 22700 - Planting Design I Credit Hours: 3.00. Review of design principles as related to plant design characteristics; design implications of plant responses to environment; review of landscape plants in fall. Typically offered Fall. |
LA 24600 - Site Systems I Credit Hours: 4.00. Properties of hardscape materials, their methods of detailing and specification. Introduction to masonry, wood and site furnishings. Design of pavements, walls, steps, ramps and other common site elements. Standards and methods of detailing and notation are presented in small-format exercises. Typically offered Fall. |
LA 25000 - Architectural Design Credit Hours: 3.00. The course will focus on the language of architecture, from classical periods to current practices and explore the application of traditional systems of proportion and geometry. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 26600 - Frank Lloyd Wright Credit Hours: 2.00. The course is an overview of the architecture, philosophy, and biographical background of one of America’s foremost architects, Frank Lloyd Wright. The lectures explore his prolific output of architectural commissions along with his efforts at community planning, furniture design, textile design, and related arts. L A 266 provides a broad overview of American architecture through a survey of Wright’s predecessors, mentors, peers, and his antagonists. The course includes two field trips, one to Oak Park, Illinois, the community featuring the largest number of built works by Wright, and to the John E. Christian residence, ‘Samara’ in West Lafayette. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 27500 - Honors Course - Lower Division Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Utilized to offer a new honors course for a maximum of three years. Variable title, credit, and instructional type. Course may be repeated for credit if content and titles are different. Offered primarily to first- and second-year students. Courses offered must be approved by departmental or program faculty and College of Agriculture Honors Committee. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
LA 30900 - Co-Op Preparation Credit Hours: 1.00. The material presented in this course consists of a broad overview of the employment opportunities in the professional practice of landscape architecture and the ways to secure an internship. It provides the student with information about career choices in landscape architecture and an appropriate knowledge base with which to make informed internship choices. Students prepare written and graphic documents for seeking employment. Students prepare for interviews and communications leading to employment as an intern in landscape architecture. Course meets during weeks 1-8. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 31600 - Landscape Architectural Design III Credit Hours: 5.00. Design theory and meaning in landscape architecture. Past, current and emerging design theories are investigated via lectures, research assignments and studio projects. Projects gain in size, complexity and depth of meaning. Emphasis on the role theory plays both as a stabilizing force and as a catalyst for change. Typically offered Fall. |
LA 32500 - Planting Design II Credit Hours: 3.00. Study of plants as unique elements of landscape design. Plants will be studied for their aesthetic and functional uses in the landscape. Various scales of planting and design will be approached. Natural distribution and ecological considerations in planting design will be explored. Requires class trips. Students will pay individual lodging or meal expenses when necessary. Typically offered Fall. |
LA 32600 - Landscape Architectural Design IV Credit Hours: 5.00. Community planning and design. Past, current and emerging planning theories are investigated via lectures, research assignments and studio projects. The interrelationship of land use, circulation, and open space are explored using environmental and sustainable principles within a framework of traditional neighborhood design. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 34600 - Site Systems II Credit Hours: 3.00. Earthwork, grading, surface drainage and storm water management. Properties of contour lines and topographic representation. Standards for grading practices, notation and nomenclature. Methods for calculating volumes of cut and fill. Methodology for horizontal and vertical alignment of roads and trails. Typically offered Fall. |
LA 35600 - Site Systems III Credit Hours: 4.00. Methods and standards of construction documentation using current technology. Preparation and packaging of site-related technical drawings and bid packages. Methods for site layout and dimensioning. Organization and composition of planting plans, plant lists, grading plans, lighting plans, and associated detail sheets. Standards and sequence of site-related specification documents. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 39000 - Professional Cooperative Programs In Landscape Architecture Credit Hours: 0.00. Supervised work experiences in landscape architectural offices and in the landscape construction or maintenance industry. Programs must be preplanned and conducted under the direction of the cooperative educational coordinator in cooperation with an employer. Students must submit a summary report of the work experience. Consent of cooperative program coordinator required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
LA 40000 - Landscape Architecture Study Abroad Credit Hours: 0.00 to 8.00. Utilized to record credits earned through participation in Purdue study abroad programs with cooperating foreign universities. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
LA 41600 - Landscape Architectural Design V Credit Hours: 5.00. Understand issues, develop concepts and implement ideas beginning with research and precedents in urban design, which is then applied to the planning and design of complex urban sites, and resolved through detailed site design. Urban design will focus on the relationship and interaction between development patterns and land uses; access circulation and parking; and open space. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 42600 - Capstone Course In Landscape Architecture Credit Hours: 5.00. This course will focus on the integration and application of accumulated knowledge of landscape architecture from the student’s previous coursework and internship experience. Students will be challenged to identify and solve problems in community-based projects. The students will also communicate, through reports and presentations, their results and plan to community audiences, faculty, and other students. Students will also do directed readings and then discuss topics related to the current and future practices of landscape architecture and environmental design. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 45000 - In The English Landscape:Integrating History, Horticulture, and Landscape Architecture Credit Hours: 3.00. Intensive four-weeks in residence in Corsham, UK with visits to significant sites to examine the intersections between human culture and the natural environment that results in the developed landscape. Offered in even-numbered years. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer. |
LA 47500 - Honors Course - Upper Division Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Utilized to offer a new honors course for a maximum of three years. Variable title, credit, and instructional type. Course may be repeated for credit if content and titles are different. Offered primarily to third- and fourth-year students. Courses offered must be approved by departmental or program faculty and College of Agriculture Honors Committee. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
LA 47600 - Professional Practice Of Landscape Architecture Credit Hours: 2.00. A study of the principles and practice of landscape architecture in private and public offices. The course covers project acquisition, office management, and project implementation procedures. Preparation of a professional compendium is required. Typically offered Fall. |
LA 48000 - Landscape Architecture Seminar Credit Hours: 1.00. Exploration and discussion of current problems in the environmental design profession. Student presentation of selected landscape architectural problems. Typically offered Spring. |
LA 49000 - Special Problems In Landscape Architecture Credit Hours: 1.00 to 6.00. Independent in-depth study and presentation of specific research or design problems selected by the student in consultation with the instructor. Open only to advanced students. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
LA 49900 - Thesis Research Credit Hours: 1.00 to 6.00. For students doing individualized research on landscape architecture; report required. Arrange with academic advisor and honors research advisor before registering. Admission to the honors program required. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
Land Surveying |
LS 30000 - Land Survey Systems Credit Hours: 3.00. History of the development of land survey systems. United States Public Land System from earliest instructions to present day regulations. Introduction to methods of describing property. Survey licensure. Present day developments in the concept of land information systems. Overview of base mapping methods for the cadastral layer of land information systems. Typically offered Fall. |
LS 30100 - Property Surveys And Descriptions Credit Hours: 3.00. Judicially accepted principles for interpretation of existing descriptions and rules guiding the writing of new descriptions. Senior rights and adjoiners, mathematical correctness, rule of intent, monumentation, nonlinear boundaries, weight of descriptive items, modification of existing descriptions, and partitioning of parcels. Right-of-way procedures. Systems of recording property descriptions in Indiana; boundary surveys, resurveys, and retracements. Surveyor’s responsibility in research of records, documents, and field evidence. Typically offered Spring. |
LS 40000 - Summer Geomatics Engineering Design Project Credit Hours: 4.00. Four weeks of field instruction and practice on an integrated project during the summer following the junior year. Projects include client meetings, work scheduling, survey design, field observations, survey adjustment and analysis, map and report preparation, and final oral presentation. Projects typically involve aspects of one or more of the following: engineering surveys, land surveys, control surveys, topographic surveys, route surveys, and construction surveys. Different locations will be utilized each year and not necessarily on the Purdue campus. Typically offered Summer. |
LS 40100 - Legal Aspects Of Surveying Credit Hours: 3.00. Common and statute law; structure of the court system. Real property and classification of interests in it. Unwritten rights in land, such as riparian rights and adverse possession and their relationship to land surveying. Written transfers of land to include simultaneous and sequence conveyances, dedications, and reversions. Procedure of legal surveys. Rules of evidence to include classification of evidence, burden of proof, presumptions, and weight of classes of evidence. Discussion of ramifications when using measurements as evidence. Study of typical court cases. Title insurance. Rights, duties, and liability of a professional land surveyor. Typically offered Fall. |
LS 40900 - Subdivision Planning And Design Credit Hours: 3.00. Relationship between planning of individual subdivisions and the master plans and regulatory aspects of higher government authority. Role of the professional land surveyor in planning. Subdivision planning to include analysis and composing of control ordinances and regulations; preliminary planning; subdivision boundary and lot calculations, including computer applications; final platting; design of sanitary sewers, storm sewers, and streets within the domain of the professional land surveyor, as defined by Indiana statute. Boundary problems peculiar to subdivisions. Typically offered Spring. |
LS 49700 - Land Surveying Projects Arrange Hours and Credit. Topics vary. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
Languages and Cultures |
LC 10100 - Special Topics In Foreign Languages I Credit Hours: 3.00 or 4.00. Special topics in Foreign Languages. Permission of department required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
LC 10200 - Special Topics In Foreign Languages II Credit Hours: 3.0 or 4.00. Topics vary. Permission of department required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
LC 20100 - Special Topics In Foreign Languages III Credit Hours: 3.00 or 4.00. Topics vary. Permission of department required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
LC 20200 - Special Topics In Foreign Languages IV Credit Hours: 3.00 or 4.00. Special Topics in Foreign Languages IV. Permission of department required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
LC 23000 - Crossing Borders: Introduction To Comparative Literature Credit Hours: 3.00. (CMPL 23000 ) Foundations for comparison of works in different languages, thematic (philosophical, sociological, psychological) and structural (genre, composition, use of linguistic devices); parallel interrelation of theme and structure in works of different literatures. The importance of literary norms and systems of genres. Examination of crosscurrents in different literatures during successive periods of development. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
LC 23100 - Fairytale, Folktale, Fable Credit Hours: 3.00. This course provides an overview of fairytale, folklore, and fable traditions across various cultures and historical periods, as well as en examination of their ongoing influence on contemporary cultures. Taught in English. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
LC 23300 - Love, Sex, And Gender In Western European Literature Credit Hours: 3.00. The course examines major works in translation that were, and continue to be, formative upon modern attitudes to love, sex, and gender in the West. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
LC 23500 - East Asian Literature In Translation Credit Hours: 3.00. Reading and discussion of selected East Asian poetry, prose, and drama. Focus will be on the traditions of China and Japan, but may include works of other cultures such as Korea. Emphasis may vary yearly, stressing traditional or modern literatures. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
LC 23900 - Women Writers In Translation Credit Hours: 3.00. An examination of international female writers’ literary creativity in the context of women’s studies and feminist theory, as articulated in their specific cultural and geographical milieu. Course content will vary in terms of cultural focus. In English. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
LC 26100 - Introduction To The Linguistic Study Of Foreign Languages Credit Hours: 3.00. Overview of linguistics and the role of language in society; fundamental concepts of linguistic analysis. The course focuses on linguistic phenomena found in French, German, Russian, and Spanish, with material, examples, and assignments drawn primarily from those languages whenever appropriate. Credit will not be awarded for both LC 26100 and SLHS 22700 /ENGL 22700 . Typically offered Fall Spring. |
LC 33100 - Comparative Literature In Translation Credit Hours: 3.00. A course in the study of a special topic related to works in several foreign literatures, directed by an instructor whose particular field of specialization will be highlighted. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
LC 33300 - The Middle Ages On Film Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to the Middle Ages through films in various languages and genres from the beginning of film history to the present. Reading literary, historical, legal, and film theory texts in conjunction with the films, students critically analyze representations of the Middle Ages and the cultural context from which these emerge. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
LC 36100 - Sound And Form In Language Credit Hours: 3.00. Examination of the nature of sound systems (phonology) and form systems (morphology) of language, as well as techniques of phonological and morphological analysis, using material from various languages. Central focus on phonetic and phonological structure, and on inflectional and derivational morphology. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
LC 36800 - Sociolinguistic Study Of African American English Credit Hours: 3.00. A study of the history, structure, uses, and educational concerns of African American English in African American speech communities and the U.S. culture at large. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
LC 37100 - Phonetics Of Foreign Languages Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to articulatory phonetics for students of foreign languages. Mechanisms of production of speech sounds. Production and discrimination of sounds of other languages; contrast with English sounds; practice in pronunciation and phonetic transcription. Introduction to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Credit will not be awarded for more than one of SLHS 30600 , LING 31500 , and LC 37100. Typically offered Fall Spring. |
LC 39900 - Special Study Abroad Credit In Foreign Languages Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. This course number is for assignment after the fact of credits in foreign languages earned while enrolled at a foreign university on a Study Abroad program which cannot be appropriately accommodated under an established Purdue course number. It is not for use for courses offered at or conducted by Purdue. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
LC 49000 - Special Topics In Foreign Languages And Literatures Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Topics vary. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. |
LC 49900 - Research In Foreign Languages Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. Undergraduate research into a topic in foreign languages. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
LC 51900 - Teaching Of Foreign Languages Credit Hours: 3.00. A basic course designed to provide a forum for ideas connecting theory and research to teaching practice. Explores issues related to how learning and teaching can be enhanced and presents ideas that can be implemented in the classroom. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
LC 56100 - Introduction To The Linguistic Analysis Of Foreign Languages Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to the fundamental concepts of linguistic analysis; overview of linguistics and the role of language in society. Focus on linguistic phenomena found in French, German, Russian, and Spanish; material, examples, and assignments drawn primarily from those languages whenever appropriate. Credit will not be given for both LC 26100 and 561. Typically offered Spring Fall. |
LC 56300 - Historical Linguistics Credit Hours: 3.00. (ANTH 56300, ENGL 56300 ) A survey of mechanisms and motivations of linguistic change. Topics include phonological, morphological, semantic and syntactic change, comparative and internal reconstruction, linguistic variation, language contact, and linguistic typology. Typically offered Spring Fall. |
LC 56500 - Sociolinguistics Credit Hours: 3.00. (ANTH 56500 , COM 56500 , ENGL 56500 ) An introduction to language in its social context, focusing on uses and users of language. Topics include social class, ethnic group, gender, language attitudes, and bilingualism. Typically offered Spring Fall. |
LC 57000 - Introduction To Semiotics Credit Hours: 3.00. (ANTH 51900 , SLHS 58900, COM 50700 , ENGL 57000 ) The study of languages, literatures, and other systems of human communication. Includes a wide range of phenomena that can be brought together by means of a general theory of signs. The course deals with three fundamental areas: 1) verbal communication, 2) nonverbal communication (iconic systems, gestures, body language, etc. ), and 3) communication through art forms. Typically offered Spring Fall Summer. |
LC 57500 - Theories Of Foreign Language Acquisition Credit Hours: 3.00. An advanced course designed to provide an overview of major theoretical issues in foreign language acquisition research. Provides a broad historical introduction to theories of acquisition that underlie these different perspectives. This course also provides an understanding of skills assessment and selection of instructional materials. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. |
LC 59000 - Directed Reading In Foreign Languages Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Topics vary. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Spring Fall Summer. |
LC 59300 - Special Topics In Literature Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Special topics in Literature. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Spring Fall. |
LC 59600 - Special Topics In Linguistics Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Special topics in Linguistics. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Spring Fall. |
LC 63000 - Comparative Literature: Function And Methods Credit Hours: 3.00. (CMPL 63000 and ENGL 66000) An introduction to methods, problems, and the bibliographical tools pertaining to comparative study. Required of all students in the Comparative Literature Program. Typically offered Fall. |
LC 63900 - Seminar In Comparative Literature Credit Hours: 3.00. (ENGL 66500 and CMPL 65000 ) Exploration of a significant topic in comparative literature, e. g., the arts of translation, thematology, genre studies, literary movements, literary relations between countries. (See Comparative Literature. ) Prerequisite: ENGL 66000 or LC 63000 . Typically offered Spring Fall Summer. |
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