Feb 17, 2025  
2014-2015 University Catalog 
2014-2015 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The University Catalog lists all courses that pertain to the West Lafayette campus. In order to view courses that are available at a given time, and the details of such courses, please visit the myPurdue Schedule of Classes.

To search for a group of courses within a number range, enter an asterisk to note the unspecified value in the course code or number field. For example, to search for all AAE courses at the 50000 level, enter 5* in the “Code or Number” box.


Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies

  • WGSS 48200 - Interdisciplinary Studies In Sexuality: Scholarship On Lesbian And Gay Issues

    Credit Hours: 3.00. This course offers an interdisciplinary introduction to recent work in lesbian and gay studies in various fields, including literature, history, film, cultural theory, medicine, law, and studies of sexuality. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • WGSS 48300 - Global Feminisms

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Explores feminist struggles through the writings of First and Third World feminist scholars. Focuses on feminist projects within and against colonial, nationalist, religious and global contexts. Includes Third World feminist critiques of Western feminisms. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
  • WGSS 49200 - Practicum In Women’s Studies

    Credit Hours: 2.00 to 4.00. This course is designed to integrate knowledge derived from women’s studies scholarship with practical experience. Students will define their own projects in consultation with women’s studies faculty. Periodic conferences and written reports required. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • WGSS 49900 - Independent Study In Women’s, Gender And Sexuality Studies

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Special topics or projects under the direction of the instructor in a particular field of specialization. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • WGSS 58500 - Feminist Art Criticism

    Credit Hours: 3.00. (AD 58500) Analysis and discussion of feminist approaches in judging art, the representation of women in art and the concept of a female aesthetic, the role of gender, race, and class in the art criticism discourse, and the impact of feminism on women artists. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
  • WGSS 59900 - Selected Topics In Women’s Gender And Sexuality Studies

    Credit Hours: 3.00. A study of selected topics taught by an instructor in whose particular field of specialization the content of the course falls. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • WGSS 68000 - Feminist Theory

    Credit Hours: 3.00. This course focuses on feminist theories at an advanced level and in a global perspective. Graduate students engage with key theoretical issues in contemporary feminist studies, and examine how feminist scholars have theorized women and gender issues across disciplines. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • WGSS 68100 - Contemporary Issues In Feminist Scholarship

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Applies feminist theory, knowledge, and methods to the examination of selected contemporary issues. Emphasizes ways in which theory and practice interact in feminist scholarship. Content may vary according to the issues examined. Prerequisite: WGSS 68000 . Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • WGSS 68200 - Issues In Feminist Research And Methodology

    Credit Hours: 3.00. This course provides a methodological framework for theorizing, constructing and executing research from a feminist perspective. Students acquire knowledge of the diversity of feminist research projects and methods; they learn to pose research questions; and they will be able to prepare a research or grant proposal drawing on interdisciplinary methods. The course is designed to meet the needs of graduate students in Women’s Studies and is open to students in other programs who are interested in feminist research. The course deals with both theoretical and practical issues in methodology. Prerequisites: WGSS 68000 . Typically offered Spring.

Youth Development and Agricultural Education

  • YDAE 15200 - Agricultural Communication Seminar

    Credit Hours: 3.00. This course provides an introduction to agricultural communication as a professional field, including its current status and role within the larger U.S. mass media system. The course will also provide an overview of career options and professional skills and competencies required of agricultural communicators. Typically offered Fall.
  • YDAE 24000 - Seminar In Agricultural Education

    Credit Hours: 1.00. Development of an understanding of the origin, scope, and objectives of agricultural education; role of the agricultural science and business teacher as a professional educator; basic responsibilities of a teacher of agricultural science and business; and significance of legislation affecting agricultural education. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • YDAE 29000 - Special Problems In Youth Development And Agricultural Education

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 6.00. Open primarily to freshmen and sophomores who desire to study special problems in agricultural communication, agricultural education, life science education, extension education, leadership education or youth development not covered in regular coursework. To be arranged with instructor or departmental representative prior to registering. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • YDAE 31800 - Coordination Of Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Record keeping and supervisory skills needed to advise and coordinate supervised agricultural experience programs for secondary agricultural science and business students. Integration of supervised agricultural experiences with programming in youth organizations and classroom instruction for secondary agricultural science and business classrooms. Typically offered Fall.
  • YDAE 31900 - Planning Agricultural Science And Business Programs

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Development of course content plans that coordinate and utilize agricultural science and business, community resources, FFA, and supervised agricultural experience programs. Typically offered Spring.
  • YDAE 35900 - Leadership In Developing The Agricultural Professional

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Leadership skills that enhance effectiveness of the agricultural professional. Students develop leadership skills through course activities and content that concentrate on team building, understanding communicating, time management, motivational skills, and goal setting. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • YDAE 38500 - Urban Service-Learning

    Credit Hours: 2.00 or 3.00. Using service-learning as a pedagogy, students will have the opportunity to deepen and expand classroom learning through thoughtful, collaborative engagement with community, organizations, agencies and/or educational institutions and the people they serve. This course will offer opportunities to engage complex, real-world problems and to test the efficacy of disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to finding solutions. Typically offered Spring Fall.
  • YDAE 40000 - Agricultural Education Study Abroad

    Credit Hours: 0.00 to 8.00. Utilized to record credits earned through participation in Purdue study abroad programs with cooperating foreign universities. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • YDAE 44000 - Methods Of Teaching Agricultural Education

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Principles and procedures for teaching agricultural science and business in public schools. Must be admitted to teacher education program. Typically offered Fall.
  • YDAE 44100 - Field Experience In Agricultural Education Programs

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. Field experience in agricultural science and business programs to include observation and participation in the teaching process and program development activities. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • YDAE 46000 - Agricultural Publishing

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Learning experiences in all phases of agricultural publishing, including audience analysis, generating story ideas, researching, interviewing, writing, editing, photography, page design, desktop publishing, printing specifications and estimates, and distribution. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • YDAE 48000 - Agricultural Communication Capstone Seminar

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Prepares graduating students for entry to the workplace, assesses and enhances their communication knowledge and skills, and provides project experiences that will demonstrate their ability to communicate scientific and technical information through a variety of media. Projects will include student presentations and magazine style articles on issues of concern to agricultural and general audiences; and a final project that requires students to conceive and create a web site that uses converging media to communicate effectively a topical issue. Typically offered Fall.
  • YDAE 49000 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 6.00. Open to undergraduates who desire to study special problems in agricultural communications, agricultural education, or youth development not covered in regular coursework. To be arranged with the instructor or departmental representative prior to registering. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
  • YDAE 49100 - Special Topics In Youth Development And Agricultural Education

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. Designed for specialized topic areas for which there is no specific course, but have enough student interest to justify formalized teaching of an undergraduate-level course. The course may be repeated by a student as long as the topic being taught is not repeated. The specific topic that is offered will be indicated on the student’s record. To be arranged with the instructor or departmental representative prior to registering. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
  • YDAE 49700 - Thesis Research

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 6.00. For Honors students only doing specialized youth development and agricultural education research. Arrange with academic advisor and honors research coordinator before registering. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
  • YDAE 49900 - Special Problems In Agricultural Communication

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. Application of principles of mass communication in the production of agriculturally related news, feature, and magazine articles, radio and television reports, photographs, and publications in the Department of Agricultural Communication Service. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • YDAE 54000 - Program Development In Agricultural And Extension Education

    Credit Hours: 3.00. Application of principles of agricultural and extension education. Emphasis on program development, supervised experience programs, and effective organization of an agricultural and extension education program. Typically offered Fall.
  • YDAE 54200 - Introduction To Agricultural Biotechnology For Educators

    Credit Hours: 3.00. (HORT 54200 ) This course is offered, via distance education, to help formal and informal educators understand how transgenic organisms are produced, as well as to enable them to teach science and issues surrounding agricultural biotechnology. Typically offered Summer.
  • YDAE 55500 - Principles Of Extension Education

    Credit Hours: 3.00. An overview of the origin, scope, function, objectives, and organization of the cooperative extension service, including a thorough analysis of the work of the extension educator and career opportunities. Typically offered Spring.
  • YDAE 56500 - Principles Of Adult Education

    Credit Hours: 3.00. (EDCI 56500 ) Principles of adult education applied to helping adults learn, evaluating their performance, and determining their needs. Examines history, philosophy, and research of adult education. Explores techniques required in design and delivery of instruction for adults. Typically offered Spring.
  • YDAE 59000 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 6.00. A study of special problems in agricultural communications, agricultural education, or youth development not covered in regular coursework. To be arranged with the instructor or departmental representative prior to registering. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
  • YDAE 59100 - Special Topics

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Specialized topics not covered in other courses. Topics, requirements, and credits to be determined yearly. To be arranged with the instructor or departmental representative prior to registering. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
  • YDAE 59500 - Internship In Agricultural And Extension Education

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 10.00. A special course designed to provide practical field experience under professional supervision in selected situation related to the student’s area of specialization. Amount of credit to be determined by the nature and extent of the assignment. To be arranged with the instructor of departmental representative prior to registering. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
  • YDAE 62000 - Adolescent Development In Context

    Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is a graduate level seminar of major issues concerning adolescents, with attention to developmental perspective. The social ecology of adolescent development-an understanding of adolescents in their social contexts- is emphasized. Typically offered Fall Spring.
  • YDAE 64000 - Courses Of Study In Agricultural Education Programs

    Credit Hours: 2.00 to 4.00. Principles and procedures of curriculum construction applied to development and organization for courses of study in agricultural science and business. Typically offered Summer Spring.
  • YDAE 64200 - Seminar In Agricultural And Extension Education

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Identification and analysis of contemporary programs used in agricultural and extension education. Prerequisite: 12 credit hours in Education. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • YDAE 64300 - Current Issues In Agricultural And Extension Education

    Credit Hours: 2.00 or 3.00. Examination of current issues in agricultural and extension education. Prerequisite: 12 credit hours in Education. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
  • YDAE 64400 - YDAE Graduate Seminar

    Credit Hours: 1.00. Students are familiarized with planning and presenting YDAE research through written and oral presentations based on the student’s proposed thesis topic. Weekly attendance and participation at seminars help graduate students use appropriate and effective presentation skills, understand expectations regarding responsible conduct of research, and learn about current topics in YDAE related research areas. Typically offered Fall.
  • YDAE 69800 - Research MS Thesis

    Credit Hours: 1.00 to 18.00. Research MS Thesis. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
  • YDAE 69900 - Research PhD Thesis

    Credit Hours: 1.0 to 18.0. Research PhD Thesis. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.

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