About the Program
The Materials Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.
Materials Engineering’s academic programs have been developed around broad and basic phenomena, applied to all major classes of artificial materials-ceramics, metals, glasses, polymers, and semiconductors. The undergraduate and graduate programs integrate our faculty strengths across the field’s four cornerstones: structure, properties, processing, and performance.
The first three years of study provide the basic educational core. In addition to the broad range of basic sciences and general education courses, the core provides a generic approach to the elements of the field. The core exploits the idea that the field is composed of the key elements of the field: synthesis/processing, composition/structure, properties and performance. This concept provides the foundation across all the materials classes: ceramics, metals, polymers, etc. The senior year, consisting of primarily electives, allows students the opportunity to focus their program toward personal goals in the field.
Materials Engineering
Materials Engineering Major Change (CODO) Requirements