Jul 03, 2024  
2021-2022 University Catalog 
2021-2022 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Technology Education Supplemental Information

Humanities Foundational Selective (3 Credits)

4 See approved UCC Humanities list at: http://www.purdue.edu/provost/initiatives/curriculum/course.html

Science Foundation Selective (3 Credits)

Any BIOL, CHM, EAPS, PHYS, or UCC Science course not already required/being used on the plan of study. 1 Must be a lab from the approved UCC Science list: http://www.purdue.edu/provost/initiatives/curriculum/course.html

Written Communication Foundation Selective (minimum 3 Credits)

Technical Elective (12 Credits)

Any Polytechnic Institute or Engineering (ENGR or EPCS) course not already required on the plan of study

Teacher Education Requirements

  1. Basic Skills Competency Academic Assessment
  2. Engineering and Technology Education Content Tests
  3. Gate A: Admission to Teacher Education Program (TEP)   EDCI 20500EDCI 28500, EDPS 23500EDPS 26500
  4. Gate B: Retention -TLI 46100, TLI 46200
  5. Criminal History Background Check: A valid Criminal Background Check must be on file in the Office of Field Experiences (OFE).
  6. Student Self-Disclosure Statement: The Student Self-Disclosure Statement is submitted to OFE at the start of a Foundational course in which you complete a course-related field experience placement, EDCI 20500 or EDPS 23500 or EDPS 26500.  https://www.education.purdue.edu/teacher-preparation/clinical-experiences/faq/