Jan 18, 2025
2022-2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
College of Science Core: Cultural Diversity (Language and Culture)
Curricular Outcome:
Demonstrated breadth of knowledge and cultural appreciation. College of Science students are expected to develop an understanding of at least one other culture in addition to their own through learning a language, taking culture and/or diversity courses, or participating in an approved Study Abroad experience.
This nine-credit core requirement may be met by satisfaction of one of the following options:
1. Three (3) courses in an approved modern language.
2. Two (2) courses in an approved language and an approved culture or diversity course.
3. Two (2) courses in an approved language and an approved short-term study abroad program (not less than 8 days) containing a minimum 3-credit course and significant immersion in the local culture.*
4. Three (3) approved culture or diversity courses. See Requirements.
5. An approved study abroad experience.* Students will meet the intent of the Foreign Language and Culture requirement through completion of an approved study abroad program. Once approved, a non-credit waiver will be applied to a student’s MyPurduePlan audit. Students will then complete nine credits of elective coursework to meet their 120-credit hour degree requirement. An approved program must satisfy the following criteria:
o Must take place outside the United States and meet one of the following program requirements:
1. Approved semester or year-long Study Abroad program.
2. Summer program of at least seven and a half weeks duration.
3. Approved short-term study abroad program (not less than 8 days) containing a minimum 3-credit course and significant immersion in the local culture to meet the Culture requirement.
4. Purdue Summer Internship Program
5. College of Education Maymester in Tanzania Study Abroad Program
o Consists of taking courses (minimum 3 credits) and/or working on a research project
o Include significant immersion in the local culture and language independent of any US-based program in which the student may be participating.
* Approval Process: Students wishing to use an approved study abroad program to meet the Foreign Language and Culture requirement are required to complete the Experiential Learning Contract process.
6. International Student status. International students meet the intent of the Foreign Language and Culture requirement through their international experience at Purdue University. A non-credit waiver will be applied to a student’s MyPurduePlan audit. Students will then complete nine credits of elective coursework to meet their 120-credit hour degree requirement. See your academic advisor for guidelines and approval.
Curriculum Notice:
Courses which have been taken to meet the Foreign Language and Culture requirement may not also be used to meet a student’s General Education or Great Issues requirement.
Study Abroad Scholarships
Study Abroad scholarship opportunities are available.
Culture and Diversity Course List
- AAS 27100 - Introduction To African American Studies
- AAS 27700 - African American Popular Culture
- AAS 35900 - Black Women Writers
- AAS 37000 - Black Women Rising
- AAS 37100 - The African American Experience Black Politics
African American Athletes and the Problem of Race
Black Leisure & Recrtion
The Black Athlete
African American Music
- AAS 37300 - Issues In African American Studies History of Injustice in the US, Post Sout Black Lit Post 1960, North African Lit & Culture, Philosophy and Culture, Race & Religion in the U.S., Studies in African Diaspora, The Black Community, The Harlem Renaissance
- AAS 37500 - The Black Family
- AAS 37600 - The Black Male
- AAS 37700 - African American Sexuality And Society
- AAS 39200 - Caribbean History And Culture
- AAS 47300 - Blacks In Hollywood Film
- AAS 49100 - Special Topics In African American Studies
Africa in 20th Century, Afro Borinquen Cult&Identity, Black Satire and Humor, Carnival: Re-member Diasp Trad, Contemporary Issues in Black Education, Identity in the Midst of Differences, The Classics and Black Literature, W.E.B. DuBois - AAS 57500 - Theories Of African American Studies
- AD 31100 - Ancient Greek Art
- AD 31200 - Ancient Roman Art
- AD 33900 - Women Artists In The 20th Century
- AD 34300 - Northern Renaissance Art
- AD 34400 - Latin American Art In The 20th Century
- AD 34600 - Italian Renaissance Art
- AD 34800 - History Of Islamic Art
- AD 35900 - Medieval European Art
- AD 38000 - Baroque Art
- AD 38200 - A Global History Of Modern Art
- AD 39100 - History Of Chinese Art
- AGEC 25000 - Economic Geography Of World Food And Resources
- AGEC 34000 - International Economic Development
- AGR 20100 - Communicating Across Culture
- AGRY 28500 - World Crop Adaptation And Distribution
- AGRY 35000 - Global Awareness
- AMST 20100 - Interpreting America
African American Pop Culture, Asian American Pop Culture, Intro Asian American Studies, Intro to American Studies: Arab-American Literature, Sports in American Culture - AMST 30100 - Perspectives On America Asian Amer Pop Cul, Sports & Popular Feminisms, Afro-Asia Pol & Cul Alli, New Media Post Soul Black Lit Post 1960, American Beauty, American Representations of the Middle East and North Africa, Contemporary Isses in Asian American Studies, Electr Music & Pop Cult, Gender, Media & Pop Culture, Global Hist Theory & Practice, New Media Culture, North African Lit & Culture, The 1960’s Rock to Revolution
- AMST 31000 - Invention, Innovation, And Design
- ANTH 20100 - Introduction To Archaeology And World Prehistory
- ANTH 20500 - Human Cultural Diversity
- ANTH 21000 - Technology And Culture
- ANTH 21200 - Culture, Food And Health
- ANTH 23000 - Gender Across Cultures
- ANTH 25400 - Archaeological Hoaxes, Myths And Frauds
- ANTH 28200 - Introduction To LGBTQ Studies
- ANTH 30700 - The Development Of Contemporary Anthropological Theory
- ANTH 31000 - Mortuary Practices Across Cultures
- ANTH 31100 - The Archaeology Of The Ancient Andes
- ANTH 31200 - The Archaeology Of Ancient Egypt And The Near East
- ANTH 31300 - Archaeology Of North America
- ANTH 32000 - Ancient States And Empires
- ANTH 34000 - Global Perspectives On Health
- ANTH 35800 - African Cultures
- ANTH 37300 - Anthropology Of Religion
- ANTH 37800 - Archaeology And Cultural Anthropology Of Mesoamerica (Mexico, Belize And Guatemala)
- ANTH 37900 - Native American Cultures
- ANTH 38400 - Designing For People: Anthropological Approaches
- ANTH 39200 - Selected Topics In Anthropology
Anthropology and Blackness, Archaeology of Religion and Ritual, Emcees&Jihadis Race & Pop Cult, Race & Religion in the U.S., Race, Religion and Popular Culture in America, The African Amer Experience, Amazonia and Film, Blackness and Culture - ARAB 23000 - Arabic Literature In Translation
- ARAB 23900 - Arab Women Writers
- ARAB 28000 - Arabic Culture
- ARAB 28100 - Introduction To Islamic Civilization And Culture
- ARAB 33400 - North African Literature And Culture
- ASAM 24000 - Introduction To Asian American Studies
- ASAM 34000 - Contemporary Issues In Asian American Studies
Contemporary Issues In Asian American Studies, Social Issues in Immigration, AsAm Popular Culture, Afro-Asia Pol & Cul Alli - ASEC 49100 - Special Topics In Agricultural Science And Education Communication
- ASL 28000 - American Deaf Community: Language, Culture, And Society
- CHNS 24100 - Introduction To The Study Of Chinese Literature
- CHNS 28000 - Topics In Chinese Civilization And Culture
- CHNS 28100 - Introduction To Chinese Food Culture
- CHNS 34100 - Chinese Literature I: Traditional Chinese Literature
- CHNS 34200 - Chinese Literature II: Modern Chinese Literature
- CHNS 49000 - Special Topics In Chinese Language
Food Culture Drinks and Snacks, Intro to Chinese Food Culture, Introduction to Chinese Films - CHNS 59400 - Special Topics In Chinese Literature
Chinese Classical Tales, Chinese Lit and Culture, Chinese Poetry & Painting, Dream Of Red Chamber, Modern Chinese Theatre, Poetry of Li Bai and Du Fu, Tang Dynasty Poetry - CLCS 18100 - Classical World Civilizations
- CLCS 23010 - Survey Of Greek Literature In Translation
- CLCS 23100 - Survey Of Latin Literature
- CLCS 23300 - Comparative Mythology
- CLCS 23500 - Introduction To Classical Mythology
- CLCS 23700 - Gender And Sexuality In Greek And Roman Antiquity
- CLCS 23800 - The Tragic Vision
- CLCS 23900 - The Comic Vision
- CLCS 28000 - Topics In Classical Civilization
Culture And Society In The Age Of Pericles, Studies in Greek Warfare, Archaeology of Greece - CLCS 33700 - The Ancient Epic
- CLCS 33900 - Literature And The Law
- CLCS 38000 - Alexander The Great And Hellenistic World
- CLCS 38100 - Julius Caesar: Statesman, Soldier, Citizen
- CLCS 38300 - The Roman Empire
- CLCS 38400 - Ancient Western Medicine
- CLCS 38500 - Science, Medicine And Magic In The Ancient West
- CLCS 38600 - Ancient Greek Religion
- CLCS 38700 - Roman Religion
- CLCS 48000 - Potters And Society In Antiquity
- CLCS 48100 - Culture And Society In The Age Of Pericles
- CLCS 48300 - Republican Rome
- CLCS 59300 - Special Topics In Classical Literature
- CMPL 23000 - Crossing Borders: Introduction To Comparative Literature
Arab-American Literature, Arabic Culture, Nature in German Literature, Soviet Literature and Beyond, Women Writers in Translation, North African Lit & Culture - COM 22400 - Communicating In The Global Workplace
- COM 30300 - Intercultural Communication
- COM 31200 - Rhetoric In The Western World
- COM 37600 - Communication And Gender
- COM 38100 - Gender And Feminist Studies In Communication
- CSR 33200 - Cross-Cultural Marketing And International Retailing
- EDCI 28500 - Multiculturalism And Education
- EDPS 30000 - Student Leadership Development
- EDPS 30100 - Peer Counseling Training
- EDPS 49000 - Individual Research And Teaching Experience
Global Leadership in Spain - ENGL 22500 - Literature, Inequality, And Injustice
- ENGL 22800 - Language And Social Identity
- ENGL 23000 - Great Narrative Works
- ENGL 23200 - Thematic Studies In Literature
Arab Women Writers, Arab-American Literature, Arabic Culture, Contemporary Foreign Women Writers, German Folk & Fairy Tales, Intro to Islamic Civ & Cul, Italian Women Writers in Translation, Nature in German Literature, Russian Fairy Tales, Span Am Lit in Trans, Women Writers in Translation, Intro to Disability Studies, North African Lit & Culture, Russian and Slavic Fairy Tales - ENGL 24000 - British Literature Before 1789
- ENGL 24100 - British Literature After 1789
- ENGL 24900 - Great British Books
- ENGL 25700 - Literature Of Black America
- ENGL 25800 - Nobel Prize Winners In Literature
- ENGL 26200 - Greek And Roman Classics In Translation
- ENGL 26400 - The Bible As Literature
- ENGL 26600 - World Literature: From The Beginnings To 1700 A.D.
- ENGL 26700 - World Literature: From 1700 A.D. To The Present
- ENGL 28000 - Games, Narrative, Culture
- ENGL 33000 - Games And Diversity
- ENGL 33100 - Medieval English Literature
- ENGL 33300 - Renaissance English Literature
- ENGL 33500 - Restoration And Eighteenth-Century English Literature
- ENGL 33700 - Nineteenth-Century English Literature
- ENGL 33900 - Twentieth-Century British Literature
- ENGL 35200 - Native American Literature
- ENGL 35400 - Asian American Literature Afro-Asia Pol & Cul Alli, Post Soul Black Lit Post 1960, Asian American Literature
- ENGL 35800 - Black Drama
- ENGL 35900 - Black Women Writers
- ENGL 36000 - Gender And Literature
- ENGL 36500 - Literature And Imperialism
- ENGL 36600 - Postcolonial Literatures
- ENGL 38100 - The British Novel
- ENGL 39300 - Interdisciplinary Approaches To Environmental And Sustainability Studies
- ENGL 39600 - Studies In Literature And Language
Latina/o Of The U S, Maghrebi Literature & Culture, Spirit of Italian Comedy, Theories of Global Studies, International Cinema, Post Soul Black Lit Post 1960, Teaching for Social Justice - ENGL 41200 - Studies In Genre
Black Satire and Humor, Black Speculative Fiction - ENGL 41400 - Studies In Literature And Culture
Literature and Disability: Deaf & Blind Culture, The Black Male Image, War, Terrorism, Globalization, And The Role Of Literature, Witchcraft and Wonder in Early American Literature - ENGL 43900 - Topics In Disability Studies
Bodies & Cultures, Disability in Fiction & Memoir, Lit in the Age of Eugenics - ENGL 46000 - Studies In Women’s Literature
Modernist Women Writers, Studies in Women’s Literature - ENGL 46200 - The Bible As Literature: The Old Testament
- ENGL 46300 - The Bible As Literature: The New Testament
- ENGL 52800 - Medieval English Literature
- ENGL 53200 - The English Novel In The Nineteenth Century
- ENGL 53800 - English Drama From The Restoration To The Modern Period
- ENGL 54700 - British Romanticism
- ENGL 54800 - Victorian Literature
- ENGL 55700 - Nineteenth-Century African-American Narrative
- ENGL 57900 - Modern British Fiction
- ENGL 58300 - U S Ethnic/Multicultural Literature
Contemporary African American Fiction - ENGL 59200 - Postcolonial Studies
- ENGL 59600 - Advanced Studies In Literature Or Language
ModEuroRhetorc,Poetcs,Narrativ - ENTR 47000 - Gender, Diversity And Leadership
- FR 24100 - Introduction To The Study Of French Literature
- FR 33000 - French Cinema
- FR 34100 - French Literature I: From The Middle Ages To The Enlightenment
- FR 34200 - French Literature II: The 19th And 20th Centuries
- FR 38000 - Special Topics In French Culture And Civilization
La Gastronomie - FR 39400 - Special Topics In French Literature
Out of Africa - FR 44300 - Introduction To Francophone Literature
- FR 48000 - French Civilization
- FR 54100 - Renaissance French Literature
- FR 54900 - French Literature And Film
- FR 58100 - French Culture
- FR 59400 - Special Topics In French Literature
Introduction to Francophone Literature, Literature Quebecoise, French Caribbean Literature - FVS 49100 - Special Topics In Film/Video Studies
Jewish Cinema, Mafia And The Movies, Feminist Prsp on Film & Camera, Post-Soviet Russian Cinema - GER 23000 - German Literature In Translation
German Fairy Tales, German Folk & Fairy Tales, Myths & Legends: Elves to Elvis, Nature and the Environment in German Literature and Thought, Supernatural & Uncanny Ger Lit - GER 24100 - Introduction To The Study Of German Literature
- GER 28000 - German Special Topics
Beer and Brewing in German Culture - GER 33000 - German Cinema
- GER 34100 - German Literature I: From The Middle Ages To The 18th Century
- GER 34200 - German Literature II: From The 18th Century To The 21st Century
- GER 48000 - German Civilization
- GER 49800 - Advanced Topics In German The Cultures of Fascism
- GER 54400 - German Romanticism
- GER 54500 - German Prose From Naturalism To The Present
- GER 55100 - Lyric Poetry From Romanticism To The Present
- GER 55400 - German Drama Before Naturalism
- GER 55500 - German Drama From Naturalism To The Present
- GER 58100 - German Culture
- GER 59400 - Special Topics In German Literature
German Novelle - HDFS 28000 - Diversity In Individual And Family Life
- HEBR 28400 - Ancient Near Eastern History And Culture
- HEBR 38000 - Israel And The Modern World: Cinema, Literature, History And Politics
- HIST 10300 - Introduction To The Medieval World
- HIST 10400 - Introduction To The Modern World
- HIST 10500 - Survey Of Global History
- HIST 20100 - Special Topics In History
- HIST 21000 - The Making Of Modern Africa
- HIST 21100 - The Global Field: World Soccer And Global History
- HIST 22800 - English History To 1688
- HIST 23800 - History Of Russia From Medieval Times To 1861
- HIST 24000 - East Asia And Its Historic Tradition
- HIST 24100 - East Asia In The Modern World
- HIST 24300 - South Asian History And Civilizations
- HIST 24600 - Modern Middle East And North Africa
- HIST 25000 - United States Relations With The Middle East And North Africa
- HIST 27100 - Introduction To Colonial Latin American History (1492-1810)
- HIST 27200 - Introduction To Modern Latin American History (1810 To The Present)
- HIST 30200 - Historical Topics
African American Women’s Intellectual Tradition, Afro-American Athletes & Race, Ancient Judaism & Early Christianity, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Black Pop Culture&Civil Rghts, Controversies Contemp Korea, Creoles,Vampires,Quadroon Balls, Gender & Medieval Religion, Gender and War in the Time of Napoleon - Honors, History of Ireland: 1556-1921, History of Korea, Imperial Spain 1469-1714, Introduction to Jewish Studies, Modern Korean History, Religion in American History & Culture, Religion in American Society & Politics 1607-1877, The Bible & its Early Interpreters, Youth in Revolutionary China, Global 1960s Revolution, Global Hist Theory & Practice, AA Athletes & Problem of Race - HIST 31205 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict
- HIST 31405 - Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics (STEM) And Gender
- HIST 31700 - A History Of The Christian Church And The Expansion Of Christianity I
- HIST 31800 - A History Of The Christian Church And The Expansion Of Christianity II
- HIST 32105 - Spain: The First Global Empire, 1469-1713
- HIST 32300 - German History
- HIST 32400 - Modern France
- HIST 32900 - History Of Women In Modern Europe
- HIST 33300 - Science And Society In Western Civilization I
- HIST 33400 - Science And Society In Western Civilization II
- HIST 33700 - Europe In The Age Of The Cold War
- HIST 33900 - Traditional China
- HIST 34000 - Modern China
- HIST 34300 - Traditional Japan
- HIST 34400 - History Of Modern Japan
- HIST 34505 - Arabs in American Eyes
- HIST 34705 - History Of Religion In America
- HIST 35100 - The Second World War
- HIST 35900 - Gender In East Asian History
- HIST 36600 - Hispanic Heritage Of The United States
- HIST 37700 - History And Culture Of Native America
- HIST 38400 - History Of Aviation
- HIST 38700 - History Of The Space Age
- HIST 39500 - Junior Research Seminar
Afro Amer Athl & Civil Rights, Gender & War in Modern Europe, German-Occupied Europe, Indian Crossroads-Colonial City, Occupied Europe, Politics Mod Latin America, The Civil Rights Movement, Sex, Race, & Science - HIST 39600 - African American History To 1877
- HIST 39800 - African American History Since 1877
- HIST 40300 - Europe In The Reformation
- HIST 40500 - The French Revolution And Napoleon
- HIST 40600 - Rebels And Romantics: Europe 1815-1870
- HIST 40700 - Road To World War I: Europe 1870-1919
- HIST 40800 - Dictatorship And Democracy: Europe 1919-1945
- HIST 41300 - Modern European Imperialism: Repression and Resistance
- HIST 41800 - European Society And Culture 1450-1800
- HIST 42300 - Advanced Topics In Modern Germany
Divided Germany, Divided Germany & the Cold War, Germany & France:War, Peace & Memry - HIST 44100 - Africa In The Twentieth Century
- HIST 46900 - Black Civil Rights Movement
- HIST 47700 - Native American Women’s History
- HIST 48800 - History Of Sexual Regulation In The United States
- HIST 49200 - Seminar In Historical Topics
18th-Century Pacific Worlds, Afro American & Amer Labor Movement, Catholic Priests & Nuns Movies, Gauchos and Cowboys on the Argentine Frontier, History Of Argentina, History of Argentina 1810-Present, Late Imperial China, Life & Career of Winston Churchill, Race, Gender, Culture US - Honors, Gender Revolution in Modern American, Indian Removal 19th Cent US, Interwar Jewish Experiences in E. Central Europe, Russia, and Middle East, Native America and Colonial Settlement, Rel & Pol In Mid Amer, Spain in American Southwest, War and Gender, Women Modern America 1950-Pres - HIST 49500 - Research Seminar In Historical Topics
Gender Revolution in Modern American, Indian Removal 19th Cent US, Interwar Jewish Experiences in E. Central Europe, Russia, and Middle East, Native America and Colonial Settlement, Rel & Pol In Mid Amer, Spain in American Southwest, War and Gender, Women Modern America 1950-Pres, Race & Civil Rights Movmnt, Race & Modern Civil Rights, Native American History, Gender and War - HIST 51200 - England Under The Stuarts
- HIST 54800 - Conflict In East Asia: Twentieth Century
- HIST 57600 - Problems In Latin American History
- HIST 59500 - The Holocaust And Genocide
- HONR 29900 - Interdisciplinary Honors - Experiential Learning
Learning Across Differences - HONR 39900 - Interdisciplinary Honors - Special Topics Seminar
Introduction to Visual Studies, Disability and Technoscience - IDIS 49100 - Special Topics In Interdisciplinary Studies
Arabic Culture, British Literature, Cultural Orphans in Latin America, Gender & Medieval Religion, Intro to Islamic Civ & Cul, Jewish Cinema, Race & Religion in the US, • Religion & Violence, Two Koreas: Pol Econ Rivalry, Women Writers in Translation - ITAL 23100 - Dante’s Divine Comedy
- ITAL 28100 - The Italian Renaissance And Its Scientific And Cultural Impact On Western Civilization
- ITAL 33000 - The Italian Cinema
- ITAL 33300 - The Spirit Of Italian Comedy
- ITAL 33500 - Italian-American Cinema
- ITAL 34100 - Italian Literature I: From The Middle Ages To The Enlightenment
- ITAL 34200 - Italian Literature II: From Romanticism To The Present
- ITAL 39300 - Special Topics In Italian Literature Or Cinema
- ITAL 49300 - Advanced Topics In Italian Literature Or Cinema
- JPNS 24100 - Introduction To The Study Of Japanese Literature
- JPNS 28000 - Introduction To Modern Japanese Civilization
- JPNS 33000 - Japanese Cinema
- JPNS 34100 - Japanese Literature I: Modern Japanese Literature
- JPNS 48000 - Japanese Civilization
- JPNS 48500 - Culinary Culture Of Japan
- JPNS 49000 - Special Topics In Japanese Language
Contemporary Japanese Popular Literature & Culture, Japanese Society Through Songs, JPNS Cinema II:Enter & Othr Fm, Japanese Visual Culture, Japanese Songs - JPNS 54300 - Modern Japanese Popular Literature And Culture
- JPNS 59400 - Special Topics In Japanese Literature
Modern Japanese Fiction - JWST 33000 - Introduction To Jewish Studies
- KOR 38000 - Special Topics In Korean Culture
Dating, Sex & Marriage - Korea - LALS 25000 - Introduction To Latin American And Latino Studies
- LALS 26000 - U S Latino Culture
- LALS 30100 - Latin American Literary And Cultural Studies
Hispanic Lit I - LALS 40100 - Special Topics In Latin American/Latino Studies
Latin Amer Civiliztn, Latin American Culture, Latina Feminisms - LALS 49500 - Humanigration: A Border Experience
- LATN 34300 - Roman Oratory
- LATN 34400 - Roman Epic
- LATN 34500 - Roman Elegy
- LATN 34700 - Roman Comedy
- LATN 44300 - Roman Satire
- LATN 44400 - Roman Philosophers
- LATN 44600 - Roman Historians
- LC 23000 - Crossing Borders: Introduction To Comparative Literature
Intro to Islami Civ & Cul - LC 23500 - East Asian Literature In Translation
- LC 23700 - Our Common Bond: Languages And Cultures In A Global Context
- LC 33800 - Language Through Films
- LC 23900 - Women Writers In Translation
- LC 33100 - Comparative Literature In Translation
Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism, Topics in Brazilian Culture, The Middle Ages on Film - LC 33300 - The Middle Ages On Film
- LC 49000 - Special Topics In Foreign Languages And Literatures
Korean Language in Culture & Society, BTS and Kpop Culture, Bible & Early Interp, The Hispanic World, Cold War Cultures in Korea - LC 59300 - Special Topics In Literature
- MARS 22000 - Introduction To Medieval And Renaissance Studies
The Tudors, Renaissance Mind: Florence 1300-1600, The Bible as Literature: The New Testament, Tudors in Literature and Film - MARS 42000 - Medieval And Renaissance Studies Seminar
Tudors in Literature and Film - MUS 37600 - World Music
- OLS 45400 - Gender And Diversity In Management
- OLS 45600 - Leadership In A Global Environment
- PHIL 11000 - The Big Questions: Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL 11400 - Global Moral Issues
- PHIL 20600 - Introduction To Philosophy Of Religion
- PHIL 20700 - Ethics For Technology, Engineering, And Design
- PHIL 20800 - Ethics Of Data Science
- PHIL 22500 - Philosophy And Gender
- PHIL 23000 - Religions Of The East
- PHIL 23100 - Religions Of The West
- PHIL 24200 - Philosophy, Culture, And The African American Experience
- PHIL 27000 - Biomedical Ethics
- PHIL 28000 - Ethics And Animals
- PHIL 29000 - Environmental Ethics
- PHIL 29300 - Selected Topics In Philosophy
Science and Religion - PHIL 30100 - History Of Ancient Philosophy
- PHIL 30200 - History Of Medieval Philosophy
- PHIL 30300 - History Of Modern Philosophy
- PHIL 40200 - Studies In Medieval Christian Thought
- PHIL 40600 - Intermediate Philosophy Of Religion
- PHIL 49000 - Advanced Topics In Philosophy
Early Greek Philosophy, Philosophy of Race - PHIL 50100 - Studies In Greek Philosophy
- PHIL 50500 - Islamic And Jewish Philosophy And The Classical Tradition
- PHIL 50600 - Advanced Philosophy Of Religion
- PHIL 58000 - Proseminar In Philosophy
Phil Race - POL 13000 - Introduction To International Relations
- POL 14100 - Governments Of The World
- POL 22200 - Women, Politics, And Public Policy
- POL 22900 - Emerging Problems In Political Science
The US, Cuba & Latin America - POL 23100 - Introduction To United States Foreign Policy
- POL 23500 - International Relations Among Rich And Poor Nations
- POL 32300 - Comparative Environmental Policy
- POL 32600 - Black Political Participation In America
- POL 34500 - West European Democracies In The Post-Industrial Era
- POL 34700 - Introduction To Latin American Politics
- POL 34800 - East Asian Politics
- POL 35100 - Foundations Of Western Political Theory: From Plato To The Reformation
- POL 36000 - Women And The Law
- POL 42900 - Contemporary Political Problems
LGBTQ+ Politics - POL 43000 - Selected Problems In International Relations
IR: The Iraq Wars, Theories of IR - POL 49100 - Political Science Senior Seminar
American Race Relations, Public Policy: Race, Class, Gender; Race, Class and Political Representation; Race, Gender & Political Representation, The Iraq Wars, Politics of Japan and China - POL 49300 - Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Seminar
Introduction to Jewish Studies - POL 52000 - Special Topics In Public Policy
Diversity Equity Inclusion; Gender, Race, And Class: Public Policy - PSY 23900 - The Psychology Of Women
- PSY 33500 - Stereotyping And Prejudice
- PSY 39200 - Special Topics In Psychology
Diversity and Inclusion - PSY 43600 - Foods And Behavior
- PSY 59100 - Topics In Psychology
Acceptance and Inclusion, Cross Cultural Social Psy, Ethnic Minority Issues in Psy - PTGS 33000 - Brazilian, Portuguese, And African Cinema
- PTGS 55100 - Brazilian Poetry
- PTGS 55500 - Brazilian Drama
- PTGS 55700 - Brazilian Fiction
- PTGS 59400 - Special Topics In Luso-Brazilian Literature
Clarice Lispector, Latin American Short Story, Luso-Brazillian Literature, Machado De Assis - PUBH 22500 - Contemporary Women’s Health
- REL 20000 - Introduction To The Study Of Religion
- REL 20100 - Interpretation Of The New Testament
- REL 20200 - Interpretation Of The Old Testament
- REL 20300 - Theology Of Paul
- REL 20400 - Introduction To Christian Theology
- REL 23000 - Religions Of The East
- REL 23100 - Religions Of The West
- REL 25000 - A History Of The Christian Afterlife
- REL 31700 - Ancient Judaism And Early Christianity
- REL 31800 - The Bible And Its Early Interpreters
- REL 35100 - Christian Mysticism
- REL 45000 - Christian Ethics
- REL 45100 - Christology
- REL 45200 - Systematic Theology
- RUSS 29800 - Special Topics In Russian
Russian Fairy Tales, Russian and Slavic Fairy Tales - RUSS 33000 - Russian And East European Cinema
- RUSS 34100 - Russian Literature In The Nineteenth Century
- RUSS 34200 - Revolution, Repression, Renewal: Soviet Literature And Beyond
- RUSS 38000 - Russian Culture And Civilization I
- RUSS 38100 - Russian Culture And Civilization II
- RUSS 48000 - Russian Civilization
- RUSS 49700 - Topics In Russian Literature
Dostoevsky and His Age, Tolstoy and His Age - RUSS 49800 - Topics In Russian Culture
Post-Soviet Russian Cinema - RUSS 58100 - Russian Culture
- SOC 22000 - Social Problems
- SOC 31000 - Race And Ethnicity
- SOC 33800 - Global Social Movements
- SOC 33900 - Sociology Of Global Development
- SOC 35200 - Drugs, Culture, And Society
- SOC 35600 - Hate And Violence
- SOC 36700 - Religion In America
- SOC 36900 - Religion And Chinese Society
- SOC 40900 - Social Networks
- SOC 45000 - Gender Roles In Modern Society
- SOC 56700 - Religion In Social Context
- SOC 56800 - Religion And Society
- SPAN 23100 - Cervantes’ Don Quixote
- SPAN 23500 - Spanish American Literature In Translation
- SPAN 24100 - Introduction To The Study Of Hispanic Literature
- SPAN 28000 - Second-Year Spanish: Special Topics
Intro Latin Am & Latino Study - SPAN 33000 - Spanish And Latin American Cinema
- SPAN 33500 - The Literature Of The Spanish-Speaking Peoples In The United States
- SPAN 34100 - Hispanic Literature I: Poetry And Drama
- SPAN 34200 - Hispanic Literature II: Prose
- SPAN 39800 - Special Topics In Spanish
The Hispanic World - SPAN 48000 - Spanish Civilization
- SPAN 48100 - Spanish Culture
- SPAN 48200 - Latin American Civilization
- SPAN 48300 - Latin American Culture
- SPAN 48500 - Food And Culture In The Hispanic World
- SPAN 49800 - Advanced Topics In Spanish
Chicana/o & Latina/o Lit Trans, Food Culture Hispanic World, Hispanic Film in Spanish - SPAN 54000 - Spanish Literature Of The Middle Ages
- SPAN 54100 - Spanish Literature Of The Golden Age
- SPAN 54200 - Cervantes Don Quijote
- SPAN 54300 - Spanish Literature Of The 18th And 19th Centuries
- SPAN 54500 - Spanish Literature Of The 20th Century
- SPAN 55000 - Spanish American Literature Of The Colonial Period
- SPAN 55100 - Spanish American Literature Of The 19th Century
- SPAN 55200 - Spanish American Literature From 1900 To 1970
- SPAN 55300 - Spanish American Literature From 1970- Present
- SPAN 55500 - Latino/a Literature
- SPAN 59400 - Special Topics In Hispanic Literature
Hispanic Film in Spani Part II, Modern Spanish Comic Theater, Spanish Literature of the Middle Ages, Borders and Borderlands - THTR 39000 - Directed Study Of Special Theatre Problems
Black Drama - WGSS 28000 - Women’s, Gender, And Sexuality Studies: An Introduction
- WGSS 28100 - Variable Topics In Women’s, Gender, And Sexuality Studies
Arab Women Writers, Contemporary Foreign Women Writers In Translation, Spanish American Literature in Translation, Wom Pol and Publ Pol, Women Writers in Translation, Women, Gender, And Leadership, 20th Century Women Artists, Intro to Study of Religion - WGSS 28200 - Introduction To LGBTQ Studies
- WGSS 38000 - Comparative Studies In Gender And Culture
- WGSS 38100 - Women Of Color In The United States
- WGSS 38200 - Love, Sex And Sexuality
- WGSS 38300 - Women, Work, And Labor
- WGSS 39000 - Variable Topics In Women’s, Gender And Sexuality Studies
Gender and Politics in Early Modern Europe, Literature, Queer Studies & Disability, Queens & Empresses in Early Modern Europe, Sports & Popular Feminism, STEM and Gender, US Women Since 1870, Women and Health in America, Women and Leadership, Women and the Law, Hist of Sexual Regul in US, Gender and Literature, Feminist Technoscience Studies, Latina Feminisms - WGSS 48000 - Feminist Theory
- WGSS 48200 - Interdisciplinary Studies In Sexuality: Scholarship On Lesbian And Gay Issues
- WGSS 48300 - Feminisms In Global Perspective
- WGSS 48500 - Feminist Perspectives On Film And Cinema And Visual Culture
- WGSS 49900 - Independent Study In Women’s, Gender And Sexuality Studies
African American Women and Activism, Black Women, Gender Revolution in Modern America, Women and Health in America - WGSS 59900 - Selected Topics In Women’s Gender And Sexuality Studies
Bad Mothers in American Literature, Gender & Sexuality in Sport, Native Amer Women Writers, Public Pol and Family
Language and Culture Electives/Foreign Language Requirement
This requirement may be met with either a Two Course Sequence (10100, 10200 and Culture/Diversity Course) or a Three Course Sequence (10100, 10200 and 20100) or an approved theme of three Culture/Diversity Courses. |