Jan 25, 2025  
2014-2015 University Catalog 
2014-2015 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Medical Laboratory Sciences, BS

About the Program

Medical Laboratory Science is a branch of health sciences concerned with the performance and analysis of clinical tests on patient tissues, blood and other body fluids. These disease detectives play a critical role in the patient care team by providing vital information concerning the accurate diagnosis and treatment of disease. Working with doctors and nurses, individuals in this profession draw on their critical thinking skills daily to aid in the promotion of patient health and overall well-being.

Summary of Program Requirements

The Summary of Program Requirements for Medical Laboratory Sciences  is a comprehensive list of those categories which a student must fulfill in order to earn their degree. Unlike the full Detailed Program Requirements listed below, complete lists of selectives for any given category are not shown. These summaries are intended to be printer-friendly and less expansive in detail.

Detailed Program Requirements

Please see below for detailed program requirements and possible selective fulfillments.

120 credits

3 years plus 1 year clinical (application required for clinical)
A cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 and a minimum science (CHM, BIOL, PHYS, MA)
GPA of at least 2.75 is required for admission into the clinical year.

Medical Laboratory Sciences Core (University Foundational Learning Outcomes) (26-27 credits)

Fulfills 1 Science Core Course

Fulfills 1 Science Core Course


  • select from University list - Credit Hours: 3.00

Behavior/Social Science

  • select from University list - Credit Hours: 3.00

Quantitative Reasoning

HSCI Humanities, Behavioral/Social Sciences Selectives - select from list (3 credits)

  • select course from HSCI Humanities, Behavior/Social Sciences list - Credit Hours: 3.00

Clinical Year (32 credits)

A cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 and a minimum science (CHM, BIOL, PHYS, MA) GPA of at least 2.75 is required to apply for admission into the clinical year.

Student must have at least 88 credits completed prior to the start of the clinical year.

(Course title and number of credits per course listed below vary by clinical location.)

  • Clinical Chemistry
  • Clinical Hematology
  • Clinical Immunohematology
  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Clinical Serology
  • Clinical Urinalysis
  • Intro to Laboratory Education & Management
  • Special Topics

Electives (0-1 credits)

An Ethics course (such as PHIL 11100 - Ethics  or PHIL 27000 - Biomedical Ethics ) is highly recommended

All students must complete 32 credits of 300 level or higher courses at Purdue for graduation

120 credits required for Bachelor of Science degree


Medical Laboratory Sciences students graduate in August

University Foundational Learning Outcomes List


HSCI Humanities, Behavioral/Social Sciences Selectives List - select any course(s) from the following subjects

  • Anthropology (ANTH)
  • Art & Design (AD)
  • Classics (CLCS)
  • Communication (COM)
  • Dance (DANC)
  • Economics (ECON)
  • English (ENGL)
  • Foreign Languages & Literatures (FLL)
  • History (HIST)
  • Interdisciplinary Studies (IDIS)
  • Music (MUS)
  • Philosophy (PHIL)
  • Political Science (POL)
  • Psychology (PSY)
  • Sociology (SOC)
  • Theatre (THTR)

Program Requirements

120 credit hours required

Effective: Fall 2014 Beginners

A cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 and a minimum science (CHM, BIOL, PHYS, MATH) GPA of at least 2.75 is required to apply for admission into the clinical year.

16-17 Credits

15 Credits

Fall 2nd Year

Sophomore Year Third Semester

15 Credits

Spring 2nd Year

Fourth Semester

14-15 Credits

Fall 3rd Year

Junior Year Fifth Semester

13 Credits

Spring 3rd Year

Sixth Semester

14 Credits

16 Credits

16 Credits

University Foundations Learning Outcome List



*(BSS) Behavioral/Social Science - 1 course
*(H) Humanities - 1 course
*(OC) Oral Communication - 1 course
*(QR) Quantitative Reasoning - 1 course
*(S) Science - 2 courses
*(IL) Information Literacy - 1 course
*(STS) Science, Technology, & Society) - 1 course
*(WC) Written Communication - 1 course

Purdue students must complete 32 credit hours of 300 level or above courses for graduation with a Bachelor of Science degree.

Student is responsible for completing and fulfilling all graduation requirements.

**These courses are simply representations of the types of courses for which students selected for clinical placement will register. The numeric designations, course titles and credits may vary depending on the affiliate site but will adhere to the overall total of 32 credits and 40000 level courses.

Critical Course

The ♦ course is considered critical. A Critical Course is one that a student must be able to pass to persist and succeed in a particular major.

Expired Course

Any course without a link to its description is one that has been expired.  However, this course could fulfill the degree requirement historically.