About the Program
Virtually all corporations are dependent upon their supply chains to manage the flow of goods, services and information to help customers. You will study the entire supply chain enterprise, yet have the flexibility to select courses for your chosen career path (purchasing, distribution and product management, sales management, or logistics and materials handling).
Courses will provide a systems approach where you can understand how each area of the supply chain interacts with and relies on the rest. They will help prepare you for a career that requires skills in business analysis, communication and teamwork, technological know-how, data processing, and leadership.
Special Features
- Gain a broad education in several technical and management areas
- Work with and learn from professors who are at the forefront of supply chain management
- Learn to solve problems with commonly used enterprise software systems prized by industry
- Take advantage of highly active student organization with industry support for competitions, travel to conferences, internships and international travel opportunities
- Study Abroad in Munich without delaying your graduation date
- Utilize the Polytechnic learning environment to become a career-ready graduate
ATTN: ID students
Current industrial distribution (ID) students can use the same resources listed on this page. ID plans of study remain active for those students already enrolled at Purdue prior to the summer of 2015.
Summary of Program Requirements
The Summary of Program Requirements for Industrial Distribution is a comprehensive list of those categories which a student must fulfill in order to earn their degree. Unlike the full Detailed Program Requirements listed below, complete lists of selectives for any given category are not shown. These summaries are intended to be printer-friendly and less expansive in detail.
Detailed Program Requirements
Please see below for detailed program requirements and possible selective fulfillments.
120 Credits for graduation