About the Program
Professional & Journalistic Writing
Journalistic Communication includes writing for mass communication, public affairs reporting, advanced reporting, and copy editing. The study of journalism not only stresses reporting and writing skills, but also examines news as strategic communication.
Media & Society
Mass Communication classes analyze the mass media and the ways in which they influence individuals and societies through the creation of symbols. Through their studies, students investigate the role of mass media in society.
Media Production
Telecommunications includes courses in video, digital and multimedia production. Courses translate theory of mass communication into practice.
For more information, please visit https://www.cla.purdue.edu/communication/undergraduate/Majors_and_Minors.html.
Summary of Program Requirements - Four Year Plan
The Summary of Program Requirements for Mass Communication is a comprehensive list of those categories which a student must fulfill in order to earn their degree. Unlike the full Detailed Program Requirements listed below, complete lists of selectives for any given category are not shown. These summaries are intended to be printer-friendly and less expansive in detail.
Detailed Program Requirements
Please see below for detailed program requirements and possible selective fulfillments for the four year major.
Three Year Major
The Brian Lamb School of Communication now offers all five majors in schedules that can be completed in just three years. These new schedules have the same number of total hours (120), and the same number of major hours (42 or 30), but compress them into three years. The three-year plan requires two summers, with the following distribution of semester hours (fall/spring/summer):
Year One: 15/18/9
Year Two: 18/18/9
Year Three: 18/15/graduation in May
These new three-year plans are in addition to the existing four-year programs, which will all still be available. And of course, if students enter the program with any Advanced Placement or transfer credit, meeting the three-year calendar becomes even simpler.
See the Program Requirements and Supplemental Information for Mass Communication - 3 Year Plan , and visit the Brian Lamb School of Communication website for more information.
120 Credits
“C - “or better required in all COM major courses, including pre-com