*Satisfies a University Core Requirement
**Satisfies a Non-departmental Major Course Requirement.
†Multiple options are available - the most common is listed. †1 statics options, †2 thermodynamics options †3 area electives are chosen with aid of adviser to advance the student’s educational objectives †4 dynamics options †5 engineering selectives are chosen with aid of adviser to advance the student’s educational objectives †6 fluids option †7 materials options †8 statistics options †9 design selective †10 Capstone design selective.
†Multiple options are available: common option listed. †1 Area electives are chosen with aid of advisor to advance the student’s educational objectives. Area classes for this plan of study are used to complete the requirements to take the MCATS and attend medical school. Courses to be completed include but are not limited to: 2 semesters General Biology with labs (minimum - should take more); 2 semesters General Chemistry with labs; 2 semesters Organic Chemistry with labs; 2 semesters Physics with labs; 2 semesters English Composition; 1 semester Biochemistry (no lab required; (* IU MD and Marian DO programs will require as of fall 2015); Anatomy and Physiology (not required but highly recommended for MCAT); 1 semester General Psychology (*IU MD and Marian DO programs will require as of fall 2015); 1 semester sociology (* IU MD and Marian DO programs will require as of fall 2015); other recommended courses Statistics. Generally, a grade below a C is not acceptable for a prerequisite course.
†2 engineering electives are chosen with aid of advisor to advance the student’s educational objectives. †3 General Education courses can be taken from CLA, Krannert or Honors - consult advisor. †4 statistics selective could be approved equivalent (IE 23000/33000 /ECE 30200 /CHE 32000 /STAT 35000 /STAT 51100 - (if non engineering statistics selective chosen fulfills MBSE, but would require another 3 credit engineering course to be taken); †5 design selective - consult advisor for course selection. Engineering courses (30 credits of 20000+ level engineering courses, of which at least 15 credits are 30000+; MAX credits allowed in any one engineering discipline is 24.)
Graduation Index of 2.0 or higher and a min. GPA of 2.0 in Engineering courses at 20000+ level included in the POS. All other Purdue University graduation requirements including “There must be 32 credits of 30000+ level for graduation” must be satisfied.
*THE PLAN OF STUDY FROM 3RD SEMESTER ONWARDS SHOULD BE FILLED BY STUDENT AFTER CONSULTATION WITH ACADEMIC ADVISER. IDES/MDE web pages and Advisor are knowledge sources for specific requirements and completion
The student is ultimately responsible for knowing and completing all degree requirements.
The myPurduePlan powered by DegreeWorks is the knowledge source for specific requirements and completion.