Oct 15, 2024  
2023-2024 University Catalog 
2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

V. Registration of Graduate Students

  1. General Principles

    All work (except for 80000 level coursework) done by students at Purdue University beyond the baccalaureate degree is administered by the Graduate School.  The registration of a graduate student should reflect the nature and amount of the student’s study and research activities as accurately as possible.

    1. Full-time Study

      Full-time study is based on the number of credit hours carried in a given session.  Eight (six during the summer session) credit hours is the full-time certification standard for graduate students.  Students pay the fee set for full-time study if they are registered for eight (six during the summer session) or more credit hours.  Various fellowships and sponsoring agencies may have differing definitions of full-time status.

    2. Part-time and Intermittent Study

      Some students find it necessary to pursue graduate study on a part‑time basis or to discontinue their graduate studies for a period of time.  Part‑time students must, like full‑time students, register appropriately any time they use University facilities or receive faculty supervision.

      Students who interrupt their registration should pay particular attention to the “five‑year rule” that prohibits the use of out-of-date coursework on plans of study and invalidates outdated examinations. (See Section III-C-9  .)

    3. Responsibility for Registering

      The registration of a graduate student is the responsibility of the student and the student’s department.  Registration must be accomplished according to schedules and procedures established by the Graduate School, bursar, registrar, and, in addition, for international students, the Office of International Students and Scholars.

    4. Eligibility to Register (ETR)

      Unless restricted by the department, admission is granted with ETR that includes the session for which admission is granted and the next two sessions.  Summer session counts.   

      New graduate students may register after the Graduate School has certified their ETR to the Registrar.  Graduate students may not register if their ETR has been removed.  A student’s ETR may be removed by the Graduate School if a student does not satisfy certain admission conditions, within the stated time frame, or if the department requests a hold. ETR will be removed if a graduate student fails to register in their graduate program for three consecutive sessions. A student’s ETR also may be removed by other campus offices. Departments are encouraged to assist students with ETR questions. Students who lose ETR would need to formally re-apply and be approved for re-admission to continue study.

  2. Registration Procedures

    1. Registration for All Students

      With the advice of a departmental advisor (generally the major professor), each graduate student submits a course registration through myPurdue (or prepares a Course Request, Registrar’s Form 23 and submits it with the signature of that advisor.)  Early registration is recommended.  Late registration will result in additional fees. Students must have a PIN to access myPurdue.

    2. Registration for Graduate Staff Appointees

      If a student holds a graduate staff appointment, the employing department must certify such information by completing the Graduate Appointment Submission form from the Bursar’s website.

    3. Registration for Holders of Fellowships Providing Fee Support

      If any fees for fellowship recipients are to be paid from a University account, a departmental administrator must complete a Fellowship Assignment Form (G.S. Form 90) and submit it to the Fellowships Office in the Graduate School.

    4. Special Reciprocal Reduction of Fees Between Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) and Purdue University West Lafayette (PUWL)

      If a graduate student registers for courses at both Purdue University West Lafayette and Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis in a given academic session or holds a graduate staff appointment at one campus while registering for courses at the other campus, the student may request a waiver of fees at one of the campuses, depending upon the specific situation.  To be eligible for this fee remission, an individual must be enrolled as a full-time graduate student at either institution or hold a graduate appointment at either institution.  This request should be made on Graduate School Form 31, Request for a Special Reciprocal Reduction of Fees Between Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) and Purdue University West Lafayette (PUWL).

    5. Registration Appeals

      Requests for course registration changes at the West Lafayette campus made after the posted registration deadlines must be submitted directly to the Office of the Registrar through the appeal procedures provided by that office. Appeal requests will only be considered for situations with documented medical, bereavement, or other serious extenuating circumstance, and must be submitted within one calendar year of the session in which the change is being requested to be reviewed.  For additional information, see the Registration Calendars page. 
      Requests for XXXX 69800, XXXX 69810, TECH 64000, or XXXX 69900 registration changes at the West Lafayette campus made after the posted registration deadlines must be submitted directly to the Graduate School through the G.S. Form 41 Retroactive Research Change Request Form. Appeals for retroactive research changes that are approved by the Graduate School will be sent to the Office of the Registrar for final approval.

  3. Appropriate Levels of Registration

    Graduate registration should reflect the student’s academic activity as accurately as possible.  In fulfilling degree requirements, a maximum of 19 credit hours will be allowed from any one  semester (13 credit hours for the summer session). 
    1. Exceptions must be approved by the dean of the Graduate School.

      Any student (whether on appointment or not) must be registered for research during each session when doing research utilizing faculty direction or consultation and/or requiring the use of University facilities. Research includes literature reviews and thesis writing.  A student’s research registration should be roughly proportional to the amount of time devoted to research activities, with 18 session hours representing maximum registration.  It is important to keep in mind that underregistration for research is likely to result in the accumulation of insufficient credits to meet degree requirements. (See Section VI-B )

      The student and advisor are expected to make certain that the requested academic load for a student holding an appointment and/or a fellowship is compatible with the rules and regulations of the Graduate School and with the requirements of any educational benefits or loans. Graduate staff appointments are further explained in Appendix A   

    2. To be eligible for a Graduate Lecturer appointment, a student must have passed the preliminary examination and be classified as a doctoral candidate. In addition, a Graduate Lecturer must have completed all courses listed on the plan of study, be enrolled in a minimum of three credit hours of 69900, and have served as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for at least four academic sessions prior to appointment as a Graduate Lecturer.  A Graduate Lecturer normally teaches courses greater than the 10000 level.

    3. Students must be engaged in the type of activity for which their position is funded (e.g., students paid from instructional funds must be doing instruction, and students paid from research funds must be doing research, etc.).

    4. The primary appointment must be on a 25 CUL, 50 CUL, 75 CUL, or 100 CUL basis.  A combination of appointments is possible, and appointments (that are less than 25 CUL) beyond a 50 CUL appointment may be made.  These must range from 5 CUL to 20 CUL.  (While not required, it is recommended that these appointments be made in increments of 5 CUL.)  In order to hold a 5 CUL, 10 CUL, 15 CUL, or 20 CUL appointment, a graduate student must hold a 50 CUL appointment or two 25 CUL appointments.  The 5 CUL to 20 CUL appointment may be held in the same department or in a different department than either the two 25 CUL appointments or the 50 CUL appointment.

      There is no limit to the number of appointments that a graduate student may hold.  However, no graduate student may hold more than 100 CUL.  Further, graduate students should consult with their major professors before accepting appointments, especially those not offered through the departments in which they are enrolled.  International students are normally limited to 50 CUL, due to visa requirements and should confer with the Office of International Students and Scholars before considering additional appointments.  All appointments require that services be performed at the CUL required. 

    5. To be eligible to hold a graduate staff appointment during any session, an individual must be enrolled as a graduate student in a degree or teacher license program and be registered for at least three credit hours of graduate-level course and/or research work during the entire appointment period.  (Graduate staff on appointment during the summer are obligated to register for a minimum of three graduate hours during at least one of the summer modules.)  For privileged registration information, see Section V-G-2-a,b.

  4. Big Ten Academic Alliance Traveling Scholar Program 
    1. Purdue University is a participant in the BTAA Traveling Scholar Program for graduate students enrolled in any Big Ten institution.  The participating institutions are the Big Ten universities plus the University of Chicago. 
    2. This program enables doctoral students in good standing to take advantage of special resources available on campuses other than their home campus, such as special course offerings, unusual research opportunities, unique laboratories, special library collections, or study with a particular professor.  Visits of traveling scholars are limited to two sessions or three quarters regardless of the number of courses taken.  Credit earned by a BTAA traveling scholar at a host university is automatically accepted by the home university upon receipt of a transcript or grade report from the host university.

      Doctoral students interested in the BTAA Traveling Scholars program should consult with their faculty advisor then complete an application available on the BTAA Traveling Scholars website.
  5. Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel

    When research, instructional, and/or engagement activities require a graduate staff member to relocate from a primary work location, usually one of the Purdue Campuses, for longer than 22 working days, a request for Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel must be approved prior to departure.  A Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel request must be made using the Request and Leave Action for Sabbatical, Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel, Outside Activity Leave or Change of Duty Station form (RLA Form).

    While on Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel leave, graduate staff are required to be registered for graduate credit, commensurate with the leave activity but not less than 3 credit hours.  Registration is not automatic while a student is in Research/Instructional Engagement travel status (See Section IV-D ). The student and major professor must arrange for the student to be registered each academic session (including summer sessions) during which the student receives a salary or stipend.  The level of registration should reflect as accurately as possible the anticipated contribution the activity will make to the student’s degree program.  Arrangements with the bursar for the payment of fees are the responsibility of the student and the major professor.  Late registration will be subject to the usual additional fee.  Failure to register and to pay fees while in Research/Instructional/Engagement travel status will result in ineligibility for a graduate appointment. 

    The Graduate School is responsible for assessing the qualifications of persons who supervise graduate students.  The major professor retains supervisory responsibility for a student in Research/Instructional/Engagement status.  Although various levels of authority may be delegated to the locational supervisor, the responsibility for ensuring academic integrity and for making academic evaluations remains with the major professor.

    Change of Duty Station

    When personal reasons require a graduate staff employee to relocate from a primary work location, usually one of the Purdue campuses, for longer than 22 working days a Change of Duty Station must be requested and approved prior to departure.  A Change of Duty request must be made using the Request and Leave Action for Sabbatical, Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel, Outside Activity Leave or Change of Duty Station (RLA Form).  While on Change of Duty Station leave, graduate staff are expected to continue to perform their normal campus work duties and to be registered for graduate credit.  A minimum of 3 credit hours is required.  

    Registration is not automatic while a student is in a change of duty station status (See Section IV-D ). The student and major professor must arrange for the student to be registered each academic session (including summer sessions) during which the student receives a salary or stipend.  The level of registration should reflect as accurately as possible the anticipated contribution the activity will make to the student’s degree program.  Arrangements with the bursar for the payment of fees are the responsibility of the student and the major professor.  Late registration will be subject to the usual additional fee.  Failure to register and to pay fees while in Change of Duty Station status will result in ineligibility for a graduate staff appointment. 

    The Graduate School is responsible for assessing the qualifications of persons who supervise graduate students.  The major professor retains supervisory responsibility for a student in Change of Duty Station status.

    Reportable Outside Activities


    A graduate student may not hold a  0.5 FTE appointment (TA RA GA) while pursuing reportable outside activities (activities), including Curricular Practical Training (CPT).  Students holding a 0.25 FTE appointment, may pursue part-time activities, including CPT, up to a total of 20 hours per week.


    Activities must be approved before the beginning of the semester in which the activities will occur and cannot begin after the 6th week of classes.


    Activities, including CPT, are approved on a semester basis.


    Background information related to CPT is below:

    8 CFR 214.2(f)(10)

    (10) Practical training. Practical training may be authorized to an F-1 student who has been lawfully enrolled on a full-time basis, in a Service-approved college, university, conservatory, or seminary for one full academic year. This provision also includes students who, during their course of study, were enrolled in a study abroad program, if the student had spent at least one full academic term enrolled in a full course of study in the United States prior to studying abroad. A student may be authorized 12 months of practical training and becomes eligible for another 12 months of practical training when he or she changes to a higher educational level. Students in English language training programs are ineligible for practical training. An eligible student may request employment authorization for practical training in a position that is directly related to his or her major area of study. There are two types of practical training available:

    8 CFR 214.2(f)(10)(i)

    (i) Curricular practical training. An F-1 student may be authorized by the DSO to participate in a curricular practical training program that is an integral part of an established curriculum. Curricular practical training is defined to be alternative work/study, internship, cooperative education, or any other type of required internship or practicum that is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements with the school. Students who have received one year or more of full-time curricular practical training are ineligible for post-completion academic training. Exceptions to the one academic year requirement are provided for students enrolled in graduate studies that require immediate participation in curricular practical training. A request for authorization for curricular practical training must be made to the DSO. A student may begin curricular practical training only after receiving his or her Form I-20 with the DSO endorsement.

    Purdue defines CPT as short-term paid or unpaid internships, field experiences, co-ops, or professional employment with a non-Purdue entity (off-campus) and that are integral to the student’s established curriculum; or required to complete the thesis or dissertation.  We define integral as an elective or required component of the student’s academic program as defined in the University’s catalog of programs.  Elective experiences are granted no more than twice in a student’s academic program.  Required experiences are granted as needed, but only with the strong support of the advisor.  Requests for experiences required to complete a thesis or dissertation must come with a statement from the major professor explaining why the research cannot be conducted on campus at Purdue.  Usually, it’s because the student is working on a topic that requires specialized equipment or data sets in order to complete the research; and, that are only available at certain National Labs or with off-campus employers.


    Before ISS will consider granting authorization for CPT, ISS will require the following:


    a. A complete job offer letter containing the job description and various other elements needed to grant authorization.

    b. A student’s statement of understanding of the requirements for CPT.

    c. A printout of the associated course or research credit description from the course catalog.  The course or research must be offered through the student’s home department, commensurate with the student’s education level, be offered during the semester the CPT occurs, must indicate it is delivered as an experiential learning type and must indicate in the course description that successful completion of the course requires the internship or field experience.  We make an exception for the research credit description since we get this information from the faculty advisor.

    d. A recommendation from the student’s academic advisor, graduate coordinator, or faculty advisor as to the appropriateness of the CPT with respect to the student’s academic program.  They must also provide a statement that the student is making normal academic progress and in good standing in the program.


    If the student is requesting full-time CPT, ISS will ensure that the internship or field experience requires 32 or more hours per week.  This is the US DOL’s definition of full time, and is approximately equal to the number of hours a student would be in the classroom, lab, or studying if they were otherwise enrolled in a full course of study.  We added this requirement about five years ago when students were coming to us with offer letters indicating 21 hours per week, just so they could get full-time CPT and essentially take the semester off.


    If students enroll in research credit, they pay per credit hour tuition.  If they enroll in a course it could be anywhere from 0 credit hours ($400 flat fee), to any number of credit hours assigned to the course (per credit hour rate).  Courses as high as six credit hours have been approved.  Mostly we see advisors recommending the 0 credit hour courses or one to three research credits. All courses/credit appear on the academic transcript.
  6. Initiating a Request

    1. The student submits a request, with the approval of the major professor, department head, and college/school dean, for a Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel or Change of Duty Station to the dean of the Graduate School at least six weeks prior to the anticipated departure from campus.  Such requests should be made on Human Resources Form RLA, Request and Leave Action for Sabbatical, Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel, Outside Activity Leave, or Change in Duty Station

      In addition to information specifically requested on Human Resources Form RLA, the following information must also be included on the form (detailed information must be provided on a supplemental page).

    2.  Location While on Leave: States Address Foreign Address
    3. Description of Leave Graduate Staff Information:

      Ph.D./Prof. Doctoral or M.S./M.A./M.F.A./Prof.Masters
      Stipend Amount (monthly stipend for duration of absence):
      Credit Hours by semester/session for duration of absence:
      Major Professor (name):

      For Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel:
      i. Detailed summary of the research, instructional and/or engagement to be undertaken.
      ii. How the activity is related to one’s thesis/dissertation research and/or academic growth.
      iii. Name and contact information for the on-site supervisor/advisor.

      For Change of Duty Station:
      i. Describe the campus work duties you will perform and how the duties will be accomplished.
      ii. Describe how you will maintain contact with your supervisor/major professor.
      iii. Describe the academic work required for the registered graduate credit hours.

    4. Routing

      Requests for Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel or Change of Duty Station, bearing the signatures of the student, the department head, and the college dean, should be sent to the department/school business office for processing and routing.
  7. Request for Off-Campus Ph.D. or Master’s Research

    In order to track the location of graduate students completing research off-campus and to ensure that Indiana Commission for Higher Education requirements related to on-campus degree programs are observed, a new form titled Graduate School Form 19: Request for Off-campus Ph.D. or Master’s Research (G.S. Form 19)  has been created. This new form has been approved effective for the Fall 2020 semester.  Master’s and doctoral students (who have not passed the preliminary examination) must complete G.S. Form 19 before they pursue 69800 or 69900 research off-campus for more than 22 consecutive days in any fall, spring, or summer session.  The G.S. Form 19 should be requested by the student and approved by the major professor and head of the graduate program.  The signed G.S. 19 should subsequently be sent to the Graduate School at least one month before the start of the session in which off-campus research is planned. A new G.S. Form 19 is required for each ​session in which more than 22 consecutive days of research are expected to be completed off-campus. The G.S. Form 19 is required for all graduate students completing research off-campus (other than those approved for Research in Absentia).  Graduate students who are graduate staff employees must complete Research/Instructional/Engagement Leave or Change of Duty Station through SuccessFactors in addition to the G.S. Form 19 if there work away from campus is greater than 22 consecutive days. Doctoral students who have completed all required coursework passed the preliminary examination, and who do not have Purdue graduate staff or fellowship funding should complete Research in Absentia (G.S. Form 12) to document research off-campus instead of the G.S. Form 19. 
  8. Research in Absentia
    1. Initiating a Request
      A doctoral student may, with the approval of the major professor and head of the graduate program, petition for permission to register in absentia for doctoral research.  To do so, a completed Request for Ph.D. Degree Candidate Research in Absentia (G.S. Form 12) must be received by the Graduate School at least one month prior to the beginning of the initial session for which registration in absentia is sought. 

      Students requesting to register in absentia should be registered for three credits of doctoral research (69900).  Once the absentia request has been approved, the Graduate School will add the absentia attribute to the student’s academic record. Students in absentia status should register for research with their department as they would for on campus research, and the absentia attribute will trigger the appropriate tuition rate.

    2. Restrictions
      A graduate student who holds an assistantship or fellowship who will be paid by or through Purdue University during the absentia period is not eligible to register for research in absentia.  If the graduate appointment is related to a research project off campus, the student may be eligible to request a change of duty station. (See Sections IV-D  and V-E.)
    3. Qualifications
      To be eligible for absentia status, students must:
      1. have successfully completed their coursework and passed their preliminary examination;
      2. have made significant progress on the thesis research topic; and
      3. have established, in coordination with their major professor, a plan for accomplishing research at the absentia location.
    4. Stipulations
      1. Continuous Absentia Registration

        While in absentia the student must be registered for every session during which they are engaged in degree work or plan to graduate.  The absentia privilege will remain in effect as long as the student continues to register, the student returns to campus, the degree has been granted, the absentia privilege is rescinded, or the student withdraws from the University. Students in absentia status may take up to two consecutive sessions off of registering if they are not doing any work in progress toward their dissertation. However, if they fail to register in absentia for three consecutive sessions, they would lose their eligibility to register in the program.

        Doctoral students who are in absentia status are eligible to register for Exam or Degree Only in their final session if they meet the qualifications for either privileged registration. However, if the doctoral candidate does not meet the mid-session deadline, the registration will be changed to a minimum of 3 doctoral research credits (69900). This will make the student eligible to register for examination only or degree only in a future session.

      2. Payment of Fees

        Late registration will be subject to the usual additional fee.  It is the student’s responsibility to keep his/her current addresses updated in myPurdue. Nonpayment of registration fees will terminate the student’s registration..
      3. Research in Absentia Credit

        The minimum (and standard) absentia registration is three hours of doctoral research (69900) credit.  However, permission may be granted by the student’s major professor to register a student for up to 18 hours of doctoral research credit at the same fee assessed for the standard 3 hours. 

        This variable credit registration makes it possible for the level of registration to accurately reflect the level of research effort by the student.  Thus, students devoting full time to research will be allowed to register for up to 18 credit hours of 69900, while those with fractional research commitments will be allowed proportional 69900 registrations.  Summer registrations will be proportional to the length of the summer session.


      4. Research Supervision
        The student doing research in absentia is to be supervised or guided by the major professor and must maintain frequent contact so that the major professor can monitor the student’s progress.  If the candidate’s dissertation research requires on-site supervision at the absentia location, the Request for Research in Absentia (G.S. Form 12) must be accompanied by a statement specifying who will provide this supervision and his or her qualifications.
    5. Completing Study While in Absentia
      1. Final Examination
        A student may take a final examination while registered in absentia.
      2. Graduation
        A student may graduate while registered in absentia. The department should make certain that absentia students who intend to graduate are added to the preliminary candidate list at the appropriate time. (See Section X-A-1. )
    6. Stopping the Absentia Registration

      Doctoral students currently in absentia status who will be returning to campus should communicate this to their department. It is then the responsibility of the department to communicate to the Graduate School that the absentia attribute should be removed for that student. This communication can come to the Graduate School as a formal memo request, or as an email to gradweb@purdue.edu. Once the absentia attribute is removed, that student is no longer eligible to register in absentia for a later session.

      Each department in which graduate research is being carried out is responsible for making periodic reviews of the graduate student records to determine whether all students who are actually doing research in absentia have been given proper approval and are registering each session as required.
  9. A doctoral student who has satisfied all of the qualifications listed below and wishes to leave the University to continue doctoral research should request to register in absentia for doctoral research (69900). (Master’s students are not eligible to register for research in absentia.)
  10. Registration in the Final Academic Session
    1. Registration in the Session of Graduation
      1. All students must be registered in the session of graduation. Registration options for candidates for graduation include the following:
        • CAND 99100 - the student must register for course or research credit(s). CAND 99100 is not a registration. Thesis-option master’s and doctoral students must register for research in proportion to their efforts during each session when doing research utilizing faculty direction or consultation and/or requiring the use of University facilities (see Section V.C.5). Thesis-option master’s and doctoral students must, therefore, be registered for at least one credit of research in the session in which they defend and/or the thesis or dissertation unless they are approved for CAND 99200 or 99300 registration.
        • CAND 99200 - degree only is a stand-alone registration. Students should not register for any additional credits with this registration.
        • CAND 99300 - examination only is a stand-alone registration. Students should not register for any additional credits with this registration.
      2. Students with outstanding incomplete grades for courses listed on the plan of study will not be eligible to graduate. Students must complete the course requirements and register for a future session to receive the degree.
    2.  Privileged Registration
      The privileged registration, either examination only or degree only, is a onetime registration.

      Federal regulations for international students in a nonthesis master’s degree program states:  If the student is not required to take any additional courses to satisfy the requirements for completion, but continues to be enrolled for administrative purposes, the student is considered to have completed the course of study and must take action to maintain status.  As a result, international students who are in a nonthesis master’s degree program and are registered for a privileged registration in their final session should contact the Office of International Students and Scholars to discuss their options.
      1. Examination Only Registration

        A student who has completed the Graduate School’s registration (30 hours for a master’s degree; 90 hours for a Ph.D. degree) and who has finished all degree requirements except for the final examination and depositing the thesis prior to the first day of the academic session of graduation may request registration for examination only at a reduced fee.  Thesis option students must also have been registered for at least one hour of XXXX 69800, XXXX 69810, TECH 64000, or XXXX 69900 research credits, with a grade of S in the previous session.

        The previous session does not include the summer session unless:
        • A graduate student completed work on degree requirements, requiring the appropriate number of registration credits;
        • A graduate student held a graduate staff appointment during the preceding summer session. Graduate students who held a summer session appointment will be held to a minimum summer registration of three credits;
        • A graduate student who did not hold a summer appointment will be held to a minimum registration for the preceding spring session.

          If approved, this registration will remain valid only if both a positive Report of the Final Examination and a Thesis Receipt (if applicable to the degree being conferred) have been received in the Graduate School by the eighth week of the session (fourth week of an eight week summer session).  Otherwise, the Graduate School will notify the Office of the Registrar, after the eighth week of a semester or the fourth week of the summer session to register the student for one XXXX 69800, XXXX 69810, TECH 64000, or XXXX 69900 credit.  (Registration for candidates previously registered in absentia must be changed to a minimum of three credit hours of 69900.  This will maintain the candidate’s continuous registration in absentia and will make the student eligible to register for examination only or degree only in a future session.)  If the student holds a graduate appointment, the department is responsible for changing the registration to no less than three credit hours of graduate-level course and/or 69800 or 69900 credits.  Graduate staff employees enrolled for examination only should expect to pay Social Security tax on their graduate staff salaries.  Likewise, graduate staff employees who do not meet the mid-session deadline for examination only and are enrolled for less than half-time should expect to pay Social Security tax on their graduate staff salaries.

          Any graduate student, including those who hold any type of graduate appointment, may register for examination only.
      2. Degree Only Registration
        A student who has completed the Graduate School’s registration requirement (30 hours for a master’s degree; 90 hours for a Ph.D. degree) and who has finished all degree requirements except for depositing the thesis and for whom a positive Report of the Final Examination has been received in the Graduate School prior to the first day of the academic session of graduation but who has not been awarded the degree may request registration for degree only at a reduced fee.  Thesis option students must also have been registered for at least one hour of XXXX 69800, XXXX 69810, TECH 64000, or XXXX 69900 research, with a grade of S in the previous spring or fall session.

        The previous session does not include the summer session unless:
        1. a graduate student completed work on degree requirements, requiring the appropriate number of registration credits;
        2. a graduate student held a graduate staff appointment during the preceding summer session. Graduate students who held a summer session appointment will be held to a minimum summer registration of three credits;
        3. a graduate student who did not hold a summer appointment will be held to a minimum registration for the preceding spring session.

          If approved, this registration will remain valid only if a Thesis Receipt (if applicable to the degreebeing conferred) is received in the Graduate School by the eighth week of the session (fourth week of an eight week summer session).  Otherwise, the Graduate School will notify the Office of the Registrar, after the eighth week of a semester or the fourth week of the summer session to register the student for one XXXX 69800, XXXX 69810, TECH 64000, or XXX 69900 credit.  (Registration for candidates previously registered in absentia must be changed to a minimum of three credit hours of 69800 or 69900. This will maintain the candidate’s continuous registration in absentia and will make the student eligible to register for degree only in a future session.)  If the student holds a graduate appointment, the department is responsible for changing the registration to no less than three credit hours of graduate-level course and/or 69800 or 69900 credits. Graduate staff employees enrolled for degree only should expect to pay Social Security tax on their graduate  staff salaries.  Likewise, graduate staff employees who do not meet the mid-session deadline for degree only and are enrolled for less than half-time should expect to pay Social Security tax on their graduate staff salaries.

          Any graduate student, including those who hold any type of graduate appointment, may register for degree only.
      3. Approval

        Privileged registration requires Graduate School approval. The completed Course Request (Registrar’s Form 23) must be sent to the Graduate School for approval and processing.
  11. Registration Limits for Student Loan Eligibility

    The Division of Financial Aid should be contacted for current information on eligibility and minimum hours of registration required to qualify for a graduate student loan.
  12. Course Information
    1. Auditing Courses
      Information regarding graduate students auditing courses is available in Student Regulations, a reference guide for all students.
    2. Current Purdue Courses
      A current listing of courses approved to be offered at all Purdue campuses is maintained by the Office of the Registrar.