Feb 08, 2025  
2023-2024 University Catalog 
2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Activities and Organizations

Liaison with Outside Agencies

Contact with outside agencies, commercial establishments, or individuals for purposes of publicity, gifts, financial assistance, or loan of equipment must be approved by the Office of the Dean of Students and the Business Office for Student Organizations.

General Responsibilities

The recognition of student organizations and the supervision of their programs is the responsibility of the Office of the Dean of Students. The Business Office for Student Organizations has the responsibility for exercising financial responsibility over all student organizations who must maintain accounts with that office.

Procedures for Forming and Maintaining Student Organizations

  1. A group of Purdue students may become a student organization upon formal recognition by the Office of the Dean of Students. According to Article 13 of the Purdue University Bill of Student Rights, any student group recognized as a Purdue student organization shall be entitled to the use of available University facilities in conformity with regulations. Recognition shall not imply University endorsement of group goals and activities. Such recognition is contingent upon the following considerations:
    1. The approval of the constitution of the proposed student organization by the Office of the Dean of Students. An outline of the basic information to be included in a constitution is available in the Student Organization Handbook online, or at Office of the Dean of Students in Schleman Hall.
    2. The filing of a list of eligible officers including the name of a faculty advisor.
    3. The establishment of a financial account with the Business Office for Student Organizations.
    4. Any student organization not covered by Purdue University’s liability insurance program (those whose finances are not managed through the Business Office for Student Organizations) must provide proof of liability insurance.  Such proof shall be in the form of a Certificate of Insurance showing a minimum of $1.0 million of commercial general liability insurance. The Certificate shall also name Purdue University and The Trustees of Purdue University as additional insureds.
  2. To maintain status as a recognized student organization the following conditions must be met:
    1. Any new or revised constitution must be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students for approval.
    2. All amendments to the current constitution must be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students for approval.
    3. A list of new eligible officers must be filed in the Office of the Dean of Students within three weeks of their election.
    4. Submit a new Certificate of Insurance annually within 30 days of expiration of the previous year’s policy.
    5. Members of student organizations are required to abide by the laws of the state of Indiana, the United States, the community, the state or country in which the organization’s activities occur, and University rules and regulations.
  3. The Office of the Dean of Students will notify any recognized student organization that has failed to meet the conditions for maintaining active status:
    1. The student organization will be deactivated if the conditions listed in Section B above (this is true of all section references in this part unless otherwise specified) are not satisfied.
    2. The organization may request to be returned to active status once it has met the necessary qualifications.
    3. If a recognized student organization is in a state of deactivation for a period of at least two years, the Office of the Dean of Students will withdraw recognition from that organization.
    4. An organization may request to have recognition withdrawn at any time it chooses.

Requirements for Members, Officers, and Advisors

  1. General Membership
    1. The control and operation of a student organization must remain with the student members. Full voting privileges may be granted only to Purdue University students.
    2. Membership and participation in student organizations must be free from discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability or status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran.
    3. Students must be free to join or leave an organization without being subjected to pressure, harassment, or intimidation.
    4. Hazing is prohibited by university regulation (Policy against Hazing) and state statute.
  2. Requirements for Holding Office
    1. These regulations shall apply to the student officers of recognized student organizations on the West Lafayette Campus, and to the student participants in student activities representing Purdue University off campus, including extramural sports clubs, bands, glee club, and debate teams, and to those presented as student participants in all-campus dramatic and musical productions.
    2. Each student organization or director of an activity shall be expected to define the requirements for eligibility of its own officers and participants.
    3. Regardless of further requirements that may be established by a student organization or director of an activity, an officer or candidate for office of an organization or participant in an activity as defined in Requirements for Members, Officers and Advisors, Section B-1, must satisfy the following:
      1. He/She must be in good standing, i.e., has not been dismissed, suspended, or dropped from the University without thereafter having been readmitted.
      2. Undergraduate students must have:
        1. Earned a total number of semester hours of credit not less than the number of his/her current classification according to the registrar minus one times 12; or
        2. Earned a minimum of 12 semester hours of credit in the semester immediately preceding and be currently enrolled in a minimum of 12 hours of coursework.
      3. Graduate students must be enrolled as full-time, degree-seeking students.
    4. University probation
      1. A student placed on disciplinary probation or probated suspension, as part of that probation, may be required to resign from an office in a student organization, refrain from seeking such an office or discontinue participation in a special activity.
      2. Students on academic probation are not eligible to hold an executive officer position.
    5. Students may not hold more than one executive officer position within an organization.
  3. Advisors to Student Organizations
    1. All organizations are required to have an advisor, who should serve in an advisory role only and may not have voting rights, including voting to approve expenditures or programs. Advisors provide advisement and support, and enhance student life outside the classroom.
    2. Advisors must be either full-time faculty or administrative/professional staff at Purdue University or otherwise approved by the Office of the Dean of Students. Individuals classified as graduate student staff are not eligible to be advisors to student organizations.
    3. In addition to their primary advisor, organizations may have community advisors, instructors, and coaches with limited authority. Many recreational and sports clubs have non-university affiliated instructors and coaches because of a need for specialized instruction or discipline. However, the direction of the group remains with the student members. Provisions must be made in the constitution for selection and removal of such instructors and coaches.
  4. The officers of each student organization shall be responsible for confirming the eligibility of the members, officers, and advisors of the organization.

Recognized Student Organizations

Activities and Programs

  1. Social Events
    1. Social functions may be scheduled to end no later than the following times:  
      1. Sunday - Thursday:  Midnight
      2. Friday and Saturday: 3 a.m. (Subject to facility availability and necessary requirements.)
  2. Student organizations may not serve or possess alcoholic beverages in any University student residence unit. Student organizations may seek approval from the Executive Vice President and Treasurer or his/her designee to have alcoholic beverages served at on-campus organizational functions in areas designated by the University and under the supervision of the Purdue Memorial Union or the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, subject to compliance with all University regulations and applicable Indiana state laws. Under no conditions may organizational funds maintained in the Business Office for Student Organizations be used to buy, sell, or provide alcoholic beverages on or off campus (Board of Trustees, May 31, 1997, and revised April 2, 1999).
  3. Under no conditions may organizational funds maintained in the Business Office for Student Organizations be used to buy, sell, or provide tobacco products on or off campus.
  4. Officers of student organizations carry responsibility for the conduct of their groups at social functions. In all matters related to the discipline of a student organization, the officers shall act on behalf of the organization and shall be responsible for notifying all members of the status of the organization.
  5. Social activities and events sponsored by student organizations that meet any one of the following criteria must be scheduled on an Event Planning Form (available through the Office of the Dean of Students online Student Organization Handbook):
    1. The event is open to the public, the University community, or an invitation is extended to a specific group outside of Purdue University.
    2. The event is sponsored by a student organization with an account in the Business Office for Student Organizations and the expenditure or receipt of money is involved.
    3. The event is sponsored by a housing organization and is to take place in University facilities other than those of the housing organization.
    4. The event will terminate later than the hours listed in section A above.
  6. Business Meetings

Business meetings to be held within campus buildings or in the residence facilities of the sponsoring organization need not be scheduled on an Event Planning Form. Arrangements for these events should be made through the scheduling office in the desired building. A business meeting is defined as any meeting designed to conduct business that helps carry out the purposes of the organization, and when those in attendance are Purdue students and staff members.

  1. Demonstrations, Rallies, and Parades
    1. A basic general requirement for staging a demonstration, rally, or parade is that the activity must not interfere with academic programs or other scheduled functions of the University. Sound and amplifying equipment is generally not permitted and when permitted will be regulated to prevent interference with academic programs or other officially sponsored activities.
    2. In order to insure availability of appropriate space, demonstrations, rallies, and parades must be registered far enough in advance of the event so that all departments of the University involved with the scheduling of such events can be properly notified. To register an event, an Event Planning Form must be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students.
    3. In the event that more than one demonstration or rally is planned for the same area, the one that is properly registered and is scheduled first will have priority.
    4. The south end of Memorial Mall (area west of Stewart Center) is reserved for demonstrations and rallies. If a student group wishes to consider other areas of the campus for similar activities, the plans must be discussed with staff in the Office of the Dean of Students and the appropriate approval obtained.
    5. Approval from the Office of the Dean of Students must be obtained if off-campus speakers are to address participants of demonstrations, rallies, or parades held on campus. An Event Planning Form may be used to obtain such approval.
    6. If demonstrations, rallies, and parades are to be sponsored by student organizations off the University campus, such plans should be discussed with the staff in the Office of the Dean of Students, and proper arrangements must be made with the appropriate community or county officials.
  2. Conferences

Officers of student organizations planning to sponsor an event that may bring visitors to campus should discuss their plans well in advance with staff in the Office of the Dean of Students. The majority of such events must be registered on a special form with arrangements to be made through the Division of Conferences for housing, food service, and meeting rooms.

  1. Participation by Students with Disabilities

Recognized student organizations at Purdue University must provide access to their programs and activities for qualified students and other participants with disabilities. The Office of the Dean of Students provides student organizations with information for obtaining auxiliary aids and services for students with disabilities who wish to participate in programs and activities. To obtain this information, the student organization:

  1. Must submit an Event or Travel Planning form at least two weeks in advance of the program or activity;
  2. Describe the requested auxiliary aids and services; and
  3. Provide the name of each student for whom auxiliary aids and services are requested.

If the preceding conditions are satisfied, any costs associated with the provision of auxiliary aids and services will be paid from the Student Organization Operating Fund. Student organizations are encouraged to cover the costs associated with the provision of auxiliary aids and services by building them into the overall fees of an event or by budgeting for projected expenses each year.

Student organizations may establish reasonable notification deadlines for requests for auxiliary aids and services by students with disabilities who wish to participate in a program or activity. To receive these auxiliary aids and services, a student with a disability must provide appropriate documentation in accordance with the Office of the Dean of Students’ policy, “Documentation of Disabling Conditions and Determination of Academic Adjustments.” A nonstudent with a disability who wishes to participate in a student organization’s program or activity should contact the organizer of the program or activity.

If a program or activity for which auxiliary aids and services are requested is canceled, postponed, or rescheduled, the student organization is required to pay any costs incurred to fill the request unless it has given 72 hours notice to the Office of the Dean of Students.

  1. Trips
    1. Any trips away from campus sponsored by student organizations must be registered on a Travel Planning Form available through the Office of the Dean of Students.
    2. Trips scheduled by sports clubs must follow guidelines published by the director of recreational sports.
    3. Additional requirements must be met when a student organization is planning a trip outside of the United States.
  2. Events at Which Outside Speakers Participate (Executive Memorandum No. B-6, July 17, 1972)
    1. There are three types of meetings at which recognized student organizations may sponsor outside speakers on the Purdue campus:
      1. Meetings closed to all but student organization members.
      2. Meetings restricted to members of the University community.
      3. Meetings open to the general public.
    2. Meetings open only to organization members need not be registered on an Event Planning Form unless the meeting will involve the expenditure or receipt of money. Meetings restricted to members of the University community or open to the general public must be registered on an Event Planning Form and approved through the Office of the Dean of Students.
    3. Members of student organizations planning to invite speakers to the campus should consult with staff members in the Office of the Dean of Students so that they follow the regulations set forth in the Student Organization Speaker Scheduling Procedures and the Regulations Governing the Use and Assignment of University Facilities.
  3. Schedule Limitations during Final Examination Period (From University Senate Document 72-17, December 18, 1972).

It is strongly recommended that no extracurricular activity requiring student participation be scheduled by the faculty and staff at the West Lafayette Campus during or immediately prior to periods in either semester or the summer session when final examinations are given.

The purpose of such voluntary restriction of extracurricular activities is to protect and enhance the opportunities for preparation, review, and study as well as to minimize physical, emotional, and mental strain on students during such periods.

In the event there is no alternative to scheduling extracurricular activities during the periods specified, student participation must be on a voluntary basis.

A student who feels compelled to participate in an extracurricular activity at the expense of time needed for study and preparation for an exam is encouraged to carry his concern to any appropriate University agency (i.e., Office of the Dean of Students).


  1. All publicity related to a student organization activity including posting inside buildings, posting outside on kiosks and sidewalks, chalking on sidewalks, and posting on Web sites must identify clearly the student organization sponsoring the activity and must adhere to the Posting of Publicity guidelines available in the Office of the Dean of Students. Any publicity that includes the advertisement of an agency outside the University must be cleared first through the Business Office for Student Organizations and the Office of the Dean of Students.
  2. Publicity is not to be released until an Event Planning Form has been given final approval.
  3. Posters and signs may be displayed in specified areas within buildings and on the campus, provided that clearance has been obtained from the appropriate people in the following offices:
    1. In the Purdue Memorial Union and Stewart Center, the scheduling office in the Union.
    2. In residence halls, the central desk in each residence hall.
    3. In all other buildings, the building deputy or director whose office is located in that building.
    4. On campus grounds, the Academic Classrooms and Event Scheduling.
  4. Printed material may be distributed in buildings only if permission has been obtained from the building deputy or director. Printed material may be distributed on campus grounds provided that the rights of individuals are not violated and there is no interference with the flow of traffic and the orderly operation of the University.
  5. Student organizations and/or individuals involved will be held responsible for the improper posting of signs and materials that result in damaging or defacing property. Not only will the group and/or individuals involved be subject to disciplinary sanctions, but they will be required to cover the cost of removal of the materials, resulting damages, and replacement of property, if necessary.
  6. Tables are provided in Stewart Center and the Purdue Memorial Union for promotional projects by student organizations. Such tables may be reserved in the Purdue Memorial Union scheduling office. When collections or solicitations of money are to be made, an Event Planning Form must be initiated in the Office of the Dean of Students.

Campus Mail

  1. The Campus Mail Service is provided by the Purchasing Department through the General Stores Operation. The service is designed to deliver U.S. mail and campus mail to all departments, staff members and recognized student organizations whose fiscal affairs are audited by the director of student finance.
  2. The service is established to deliver mail within a place of business. Mail from and to Purdue Village, social sororities, fraternities, cooperatives, student organizations, clubs or similar off-campus groups will not be delivered by Campus Mail Service. These areas are served by the U.S. Post Office.
  3. By arrangement with the Housing and Food Services, student organizations may prepare mailings to be placed without postage in the residence halls’ post office boxes. Approval will be limited to student organizations that are registered with the Office of the Dean of Students and whose fiscal affairs are audited by the Business Office for Student Organizations.

Approved mailings must be individually addressed, alphabetized by residence and delivered directly to the main office of each unit by the sender.

For additional information on mail procedures for the residences, contact Housing and Food Services.

Financial Arrangements

All recognized student organizations, except student housing organizations not under the financial management of Purdue University, are required to manage their finances and related transactions through the Business Office for Student Organizations.

  1. Regulations applicable to student organizations that conduct financial and business service transactions through the Business Office for Student Organizations:
    1. An account relationship with the Business Office for Student Organizations must be established after the student organization is formally recognized by the Student Activities and Organizations Office.  Refer to the “Procedures for Forming and Maintaining Student Organization” section within the Student Regulations.  Upon formal recognition, an account will be established.
    2. Business and financial procedures, including receiving and dispersing of funds and cash handling activities are to be managed in accordance with University policies and procedures as administered by the Business Office for Student Organizations.
    3. The Business Office for Student Organizations is to be consulted before contractual services are solicited.  All contracts and agreements entered into on behalf of recognized student organizations are to be approved in advance by the Business Office for Student Organizations in accordance with University procedures.
    4. Treasurers appointed by their respective recognized student organizations are required to attend training workshops as determined by the Student Activities and Organizations Office and Business Office for Student Organizations.
    5. All financial transactions are to be reviewed and authorized by the responsible student organization officer.  Financial records and documents that support financial and business related activities are to be maintained by the recognized student organization.
    6. Financial records may be requested at any time for audit purposes.
    7. Each recognized student organization is assessed a financial service fee of one and one-half percent of gross income to defray costs of student organization operations.  This fee is subject to change.  The fee provides the following support to those recognized student organizations that manage accounts through the Business Office for Student Organizations: general liability insurance coverage, general banking and payment services, a web-based accounting system, web-based store fronts, contract review and approvals, and general business services.
  2. Financial responsibility of student organization officers:

A student who, through neglect or dishonesty, fails in his/her duties as an officer of any student organization:

  1. To collect amounts due, or to pay the organization’s debts legally incurred by him/her; or
  2. To account for cash received and expended by him/her; or
  3. To account for other property entrusted to him/her as an officer of a student organization, shall be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students, Office of Rights and Responsibilities for appropriate action.
  4. Sales, canvassing, fundraising projects:

Recognized student organizations may conduct sales, canvassing, and fundraising projects as approved by the Student Activities and Organizations Office.  Sales and fundraising activities that are in partnership with an outside vendor will require additional review and approval by the Business Office for Student Organizations.

Policy Against Hazing

(Administrative Approval, February 11, 1994)
  1. Certain forms of hazing are criminal offenses in Indiana. All forms of hazing are prohibited by Purdue University both on and off campus.
  2. Hazing means forcing or requiring another person, regardless of that person’s consent, to perform an act that:
    1. Creates a substantial risk of physical harm;
    2. Substantially or seriously demeans or degrades any person; or
    3. Interferes with any person’s scholastic activities.
  3. Any hazing allegation against a student organization will be investigated by the University. If found guilty in a disciplinary action, the student organization may incur a disciplinary penalty as specified in “Violations of Rules and Regulations.” University action occurs whether or not civil or criminal actions take place.
  4. In addition to action taken against a student organization, the University may take action against individual students for hazing when their conduct falls within “Regulations Governing Student Conduct, Disciplinary Proceedings and Appeals,” section B-2.
  5. Any person suffering or witnessing a hazing activity is strongly encouraged to report the incident to the staff of the Office of the Dean of Students.
  6. The president of each student organization is responsible for informing pledges, affiliates, initiated members, and guests of this policy.

Violation of Rules and Regulations

  1. Members of student organizations are required to abide by the laws of the state of Indiana, the United States, or the community and the state or country in which the organization’s activities occur. In addition to a violation of the above-mentioned laws, a violation of any University rules and regulations by any member of a student organization may subject that organization and/or its members to disciplinary action by the Office of the Dean of Students. After official representatives of the student organization have been informed of the nature of the charges and have been given an opportunity to refute them, the Office of the Dean of Students may initiate action against the organization and/or its members that may take the following forms:
    1. A verbal or written warning to the officers of the organization;
    2. A limitation of privileges;
    3. Probation that may include a restriction of privileges;
    4. Suspension of the student organization for a prescribed period of time (The actions may be appealed through the Campus Appeals Board.);
    5. Withdrawal of recognition of the student organization. (The actions may be appealed through the Campus Appeals Board.)

Liability Insurance

The University carries a liability policy covering the activities of student organizations under the direct management of the University and whose finances are under the jurisdiction of the Business Office for Student Organizations. The details of this coverage may be obtained from that office. Student housing organizations not under the direct management of Purdue University are excluded from the University liability insurance policy. For hayrides and other functions involving special transportation, student organizations must either:

  1. Submit evidence of a comprehensive liability insurance policy covering such functions, or
  2. Obtain special insurance for the event.

For more information on liability insurance, see the Risk Management Web site.