Jul 03, 2024  
2018-2019 University Catalog 
2018-2019 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Appendix J

Appendix J

Please contact the Graduate Programs Office in the Graduate School if you intend to propose a new Dual or Joint degree program.


Joint and Dual Degree Program
Proposal Flowchart and Format

Review/Approval Process:

  1. Concept Paper (Maximum four pages)
    Addressed to the dean of The Graduate School from the head of the academic unit and endorsed by the academic dean.
    1. Content
      See “Developing Institutional Agreements”
      at: http://www.ippu.purdue.edu/Exchange_Partners/index.cfm.
    2. Concept paper should include a fully-executed agreement indicating a good faith intention to proceed, between Purdue University on behalf of the department and the partner institution in accordance with existing institutional protocols.
    3. A review committee appointed by the Graduate School makes recommendations to the Dean of the Graduate School.D. The Dean of the Graduate School consults with the Provost.
  2. Proposal for Joint/Dual Degree Program
    Requested by the Dean of the Graduate School.

    Proposals should include:
    1. Cover Page
      1. Name of Purdue Department Submitting the Proposal (include College/School)
      2. Name of Proposed Partner Department/Institution
      3. Title of Proposed Joint/Dual Degree
      4. Anticipated Start Date
      5. Signatures of Department Heads, Deans of Colleges/Schools from both Departments/Institutions, with lines to include the date signed.
      6. Date
      7. Signature lines for the Dean of the Graduate School and for the Provost, with lines to include the dates signed.
    2. Abstract (1 page)
      1. Program Summary & Objectives
    3. Program Justification, Curriculum, and Impact
      1. Justification
        1. Market Analysis.
          This section should include an assessment of (a) Current and future demand for students completing the proposed discipline specific degree program; (b) Anticipated number of students completing the proposed joint degree/dual program annually; (c) Other institutions offering the same or similar degree program; (d) Unique features of the proposed joint/dual degree program; and (e) Alignment of the proposed joint/dual degree program with mission and strengths of Purdue University.
        2. Ranking and Reputation of Partner Institution/Department.
          Purdue departments/Schools should provide rankings (international and/or national) of the department and institution with which they seek to partner, and interpret what the rankings mean. The following rankings and reputational data will be considered and should be included: (a) international ranking, (b) ranking in geographical area of study, (c) ranking within country, and (d) reputation of the program within the discipline or field of study. Please list sources for all rankings and reputational data provided.
        3. Statements from both departments that their faculties endorse the proposal
        4. An explanation of any dissenting opinions among faculty
      2. Proposed Curriculum for a Joint Degree Program
        1. Course work requirement for the program
        2. What fraction of the courses needs to be taken at each university?
        3. How much time will the student spend on each campus?
        4. The Plan of Study and Plan of Work must be agreed upon by the participating faculty at both institutions and the graduate student at the beginning of the student’s program. A written document should be signed by all parties involved, ensuring agreement on the research outlines/expectations and the timeline for completion of the degree. Programs should make sure there is a provision for modifications if needed.

Each student seeking a joint degree must develop a plan of study for coursework and a plan of work for research early in the program.

The plan of study must include:

  1. A list of the courses to be taken from both institutions.
  2. A statement and explanation of how many courses will be taken from each institution. Both departments/schools must endorse this statement.
  3. All members of the Advisory Committee at both institutions must agree to the plan of study

The plan of work must include:

  1. An explanation of the general direction of the graduate student’s research.
  2. A general timetable of (a) when the student will complete the proposal for the research to be conducted; (b) when the student’s coursework is expected to be completed; (c) when the student will become a candidate; and (d) how often the committee will meet. An explanation of when the student becomes a candidate, as agreed upon by the two departments, should be included.
  3. An outline of the approvals needed from each institution.
  1. Proposed Curriculum for a Dual Degree Program
    1. Coursework requirements:
      A maximum of 12 credits may be counted toward both degrees with the remaining credits from the degree-granting institution. Current Purdue policy allows 9 hours from one Purdue degree to be counted on a plan of study for another Purdue University degree (Master’s).
    2. What fraction of the courses needs to be taken at each university?
    3. How much time will the student spend on each campus?
  2. Impact of the Program
    Proposals should discuss the advantages and benefits of the joint/dual degree program to
    (a) students, (b) the institutions and departments, and (c) to the discipline/field of study.
  1. Administration for a Joint Degree Program
    Proposals must include explanations of the following, all of which must be approved by both departments/schools:
    1. What the admissions procedures will be.
    2. How the departments will regulate the preliminary examination. The preliminary examination committee should have co-chairs, one from each partner institution. There should be equal representation of both departments/schools on the committee.
    3. How the dissertation defense committee will be constituted. The committee should have co-chairs, one from each partner institution. There should be equal representation of both departments/schools on the committee.
    4. How the process for the dissertation defense will be determined.
    5. How the quality of the collaborative interaction between the student and relevant faculty in both departments will be monitored and ensured.
    6. How the format of the dissertation will be determined.
    7. How the two departments will deal with issues related to the Responsible Conduct of Research (i.e., IRB, copyright, plagiarism, etc.)

The dissertation must be written in English. If the joint degree institutions agree that the dissertation should be translated into another language to accompany the English version, specifics of this expectation should be clearly stated.

  1. Administration for a Dual Degree Program
    Proposals must include explanations of the following, all of which must be approved by both departments/schools:
    1. What the admissions procedures will be.
    2. How the quality of the collaborative interaction between the student and relevant faculty in both departments will be monitored and ensured.
    3. How the two departments will deal with issues related to the Responsible Conduct of Research (i.e., IRB, copyright, plagiarism, etc.)
    4. If a thesis/dissertation is required, proposals must include explanations of the following, all of which must be approved by both departments/schools:
      1. How the format of the thesis will be determined.
      2. How the thesis defense committee will be constituted. The committee should have co-chairs, one from each partner institution. There should be equal representation of both departments/schools on the thesis committee.
      3. How the process for the thesis/dissertation defense will be determined.
  2. A Plan for Program Assessment
    Joint degree programs must be assessed every five years. Proposers should include a description of how they will evaluate their joint/dual degree program.
  3. A Plan for Program Sustainability
    Joint/dual degree programs must be sustainable. Proposers should explain the institutional/departmental commitment to the program, and the institutional/departmental support for the program.

    Proposers should detail the expenditures and revenues associated with the program and the expected enrollments short term and long term.
  4. Background of Partner Institution
    1. A description of the current degree requirements/procedures for the corresponding “stand-alone” degree at the partner institution (admission standards, coursework, qualifying/prelim/final exams, etc.)
    2. A copy of the partner institution’s document describing objectives and requirements for joint and dual degree programs (if available)
    3. CVs of representative faculty at the partner institution
  5. With the assistance of International Programs, the Purdue University Graduate School, and Sponsored Program Services, attach a final approved draft of the Program Agreement between Purdue University on behalf of the department and the Partner Institution on behalf of its departments/schools. (See Attachment II)

Before a Joint/Dual Degree program can be implemented, its academic agreement will need to be reviewed and approved by other university offices. There may be additional contracts and agreements required before a given Joint/Dual Degree program can be implemented.