Minor |
Credit |
College |
Aerospace Studies Minor |
14 |
Polytechnic Institute |
African American Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Agricultural Systems Management Minor |
18 |
College of Agriculture |
Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance Minor |
12 |
Polytechnic Institute |
American Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Animal Science Minor |
18 |
College of Agriculture |
Anthropology Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Arabic Language and Culture Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Architectural Engineering Minor |
18 |
College of Engineering |
Art and Design Studio Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Art History Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Asian American Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Asian Studies Minor |
16 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Astronomy Minor |
15-16 |
College of Science |
Biochemistry Minor |
18-19 |
College of Agriculture |
Biological Sciences Minor |
16-20 |
College of Science |
Biometrics Minor |
15 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Biotechnology Minor |
16 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Business Economics Minor |
15 |
School of Managment |
Business French Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Chemistry Minor |
16 |
College of Science |
Chinese Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Classical Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Communication Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Computer and Information Technology Minor |
15 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Computer Science Minor |
16-18 |
College of Science |
Construction Engineering Minor |
15 |
College of Engineering |
Construction Graphics Minor |
12 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Construction Management Minor |
16 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Creative Writing Minor |
12 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Critical Disability Studies Minor |
12 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Crop Science Minor |
18 |
College of Agriculture |
Dance Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Design and Innovation Minor |
15 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Minor |
18 |
College of Science |
Economics Minor |
15 |
School of Management |
Electrical and Computer Engineering Minor |
17 |
College of Engineering |
Electrical Engineering Technology Minor |
15 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Electronic and Time-Based Art Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Engineering and Public Policy Minor |
21 |
College of Engineering |
English Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Environmental and Ecological Engineering Minor |
17-18 |
College of Engineering |
Environmental Politics and Policy Minor |
12 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Event and Meeting Management Minor |
15 |
College of Health and Human Sciences |
Farm Management Minor |
18 |
College of Agriculture |
Fermentation Sciences Minor |
18 |
College of Agriculture |
Film and Video Studies Minor |
18 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Minor |
16 |
College of Agriculture |
Food and Agribusiness Management Minor |
18 |
College of Agriculture |
Food Science Minor |
18 |
College of Agriculture |
Foods and Nutrition Minor |
15 |
College of Health and Human Sciences |
Forensic Sciences Minor |
20 |
College of Agriculture |
Forest Ecosystems Minor |
18 |
College of Agriculture |
French Cultural Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
French Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Furniture Design Minor |
18 |
College of Agriculture |
German Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Global Engineering Studies Minor |
not credit based |
College of Engineering |
Global Food and Agriculture Systems Minor |
18 |
College of Agriculture |
Global Liberal Arts Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Global Studies Minor |
10-13 |
College of Education |
History Minor |
12 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Horticulture Minor |
16 |
College of Agriculture |
HTM International Studies Minor |
21 |
College of Health and Human Sciences |
Human Development and Family Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Health and Human Sciences |
Human Resource Management Minor |
15 |
School of Management |
Human Rights Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Innovation and Transformational Change Minor |
18 |
Insect Biology Minor |
15 |
College of Agriculture |
Intellectual Property Law for Engineers Minor |
19 |
College of Engineering |
International Studies in Agriculture Minor |
15 |
College of Agriculture |
Islamic Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Italian Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Japanese Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Jewish Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Landscape and Turf Minor |
13-14 |
College of Agriculture |
Landscape Management Minor |
12-13 |
College of Agriculture |
Latin American and Latino Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Law and Society Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Learning Sciences in Educational Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Education |
LGBT Studies Minor |
12 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Linguistics Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Management Minor |
18 |
School of Management |
Manufacturing Minor |
18 |
College of Engineering |
Materials Science and Engineering Minor |
18 |
College of Engineering |
Mathematics Minor |
12-13 |
College of Science |
Military Science and Leadership Minor |
15 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Music History and Theory Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Native American and Indigenous Studies Minor |
12 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Natural Resources and Environmental Science Minor |
15 |
College of Agriculture |
Naval Science Minor |
15 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Nuclear Engineering Minor |
12 |
College of Engineering |
Nutrition Minor |
15 |
College of Health and Human Sciences |
Organizational Leadership Minor |
12 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Peace Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Pet Food Processing Minor |
21 |
College of Agriculture |
Philosophy Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Physics Minor |
10-11 |
College of Science |
Plant Biology Minor |
15 |
College of Agriculture |
Plant Pathology Minor |
15 |
College of Agriculture |
Political Science Minor |
12 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Portuguese Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Product Lifecycle Management Minor |
11-12 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Professional Writing Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Psychology Minor |
15 |
College of Health and Human Sciences |
Radiological Health Sciences Minor |
15-16 |
College of Health and Human Sciences |
Religious Studies Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Russian Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Sociology Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Soil Science Minor |
18 |
College of Agriculture |
Spanish for the Professions Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Spanish Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Statistics Minor |
15 |
College of Science |
Supply Chain Management Technology Minor |
15 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Sustainable Engineering Minor |
18 |
College of Engineering |
Sustainable Environments Minor |
15 |
College of Agriculture |
Theatre Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Theatre Design and Production Minor |
15 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Turf Management Minor |
13 |
College of Agriculture |
Unmanned Aerial Systems Minor |
15 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Urban Forestry Minor |
16 |
College of Agriculture |
Weed Science Minor |
15 |
College of Agriculture |
Wildlife Science Minor |
17 |
College of Agriculture |
Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Minor |
12 |
College of Liberal Arts |
Wood Products Manufacturing Technology Minor |
18 |
College of Agriculture |