Feb 10, 2025  
2019-2020 University Catalog 
2019-2020 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

2019-2020 University Catalog

150 Years of Giant Leaps

Archived Catalogs    Academic Calendar    Admissions    CoursesWe have left footprints for 150 years.

What is the Catalog?

The 2019-2020 Purdue West Lafayette catalog is considered the source for academic and programmatic requirements for students entering programs during the Fall 2019, Spring 2020, and Summer 2020 semesters. Although this catalog was prepared using the best information available at the time, all information is subject to change without notice or obligation. The university claims no responsibility for errors that may have occurred during the production of this catalog.

The courses listed in this catalog are intended as a general indication of the Purdue University curricula on the West Lafayette campus. Courses and programs are subject to modification at any time. Not all courses are offered every semester, and faculty teaching particular courses or programs may vary from time to time. The content of a course or program may be altered to meet particular class needs.

When a student is matriculated and enrolled at Purdue West Lafayette, they are required to fulfill the general education and graduation requirements specified in the catalog current at that time. When students formally declare a major, they are required to fulfill the major requirements in the catalog current at that time.


Dynamic Course Information

For up-to-date dynamic course information, please visit the Schedule of Classes available through the myPurdue portal.

Syllabus information

Syllabus information can be found here.

Course Description

Course descriptions from 2014 to the present can be found in the course section. (see archived catalogs from the drop down for prior catalog listings)  Course descriptions prior to 2014 can be requested by email at registrar@purdue.edu.

Curricula Information

For up-to-date curricula information, pleases visit the Office of the Registrar website.


The Purdue University Catalog is intended to be a description of the policies, academic programs, degree requirements, and course offerings in effect at the beginning of an academic year. The University reserves the right to make changes in curricula, degree requirements, course offerings, or academic regulations at any time when, in the judgment of the faculty, the president, or the Board of Trustees, such changes are in the best interest of the students and the university. Actions by federal and state governments may also require changes. 

This should not be construed as an irrevocable contract between the student and the university. While a student may graduate using the requirements of the catalog term under which he or she enters the university, the general policies, regulations, and procedures in the latest edition of the Catalog are applicable to all students.

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Catalog PDF

A PDF copy of the current Undergraduate Catalog and archived catalogs are available here .
Archived catalogs 2014 to the present can be viewed in the drop down menu at the top of this page. Any catalogs prior to 2014 are available in print at University Archives located in Stewart Center.


Mobile Site

The mobile site can be found here.