Sep 13, 2024
2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Global Studies Supplemental Information
Track 1: Thematic Concentration
Two courses each, in two of the themes listed below, from at least two academic disciplines Theme A: Society and Culture
Theme B: States and Political Institutions
Theme D: Global Science and Environment
- AGRY 35000 - Global Awareness
- ANTH 21200 - Culture, Food And Health
- ANTH 34000 - Global Perspectives On Health
- CNIT 32000 - Policy, Regulation, And Globalization In Information Technology
- EAPS 12000 - Introduction To Geography
- EAPS 20000 - Water World: Processes And Challenges In Global Hydrology
- EAPS 42000 - Global Change Modeling
- ENGL 34100 - Topics In Science, Literature, And Culture
- ENGL 34400 - Environmental Ethics, Policy, And Sustainability
- ENGR 31000 - Engineering In Global Context
- FNR 23000 - The World’s Forests And Society (satisfies Science, Technology & Society for core)
- FNR 30200 - Global Sustainability Issues
- HIST 30105 - Big History: Time And Scale
- HIST 38400 - History Of Aviation (satisfies Humanities and Science, Technology & Society for core)
- HIST 38700 - History Of The Space Age
- PHIL 27000 - Biomedical Ethics (satisfies Science, Technology & Society for core)
- PHIL 28000 - Ethics And Animals (satisfies Humanities for core)
- PHIL 29000 - Environmental Ethics (satisfies Humanities for core)
- POL 32300 - Comparative Environmental Policy
- POL 32700 - Global Green Politics (satisfies Behavioral/Social Sciences for core)
- POL 42300 - International Environmental Policy
- SYS 30000 - It’s A Complex World - Addressing Global Challenges
- TECH 33000 - Technology And The Global Society
- TLI 35600 - Global Technology Leadership
- AGRY 12500 - Environmental Science And Conservation or
- EAPS 12500 - Environmental Science And Conservation or
- FNR 12500 - Environmental Science And Conservation or
- NRES 12500 - Environmental Science And Conservation
Track 2: Area Studies Concentration
Four courses in one of the areas listed below A. Africa and the Middle East
C. Latin America & The Caribbean