Jul 29, 2024  
2023-2024 University Catalog 
2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Computing Systems Analysis and Design Supplemental Information

All Pre-requisites must be met

Interdisciplinary Selectives (15 credits)

Any University recognized non-computing minor or certificate with at least 15 credits or a departmental approved set of related courses in which Information Technology can be applied.

CGT (except Product Life Cycle Management), CNIT, CS and ECE are considered computing minors and are not available as Interdisciplinary Selectives.

If some minor courses fulfill other departmental requirements, additional courses will be required to satisfy the 15 interdisciplinary credit hours. The following are approved options:

  • Honors (HONR) courses
  • Courses in the same area as their completed minor
  • Courses complementary to their completed minor
  • Courses that are part of a minor or a university wide certificate of 15 credits or more
  • Foreign Language courses that are a pre-requisite to a foreign language minor, other courses that are pre-requisites to minors will be considered.

Information Technology Selective (3 credits)

Any other CNIT 30000 level or higher CNIT course