2018-2019 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Anthropology, BA
About the ProgramAnthropology is unique among the social sciences in considering humankind from a holistic perspective that aims for an understanding of how culture, biology, history and language intersect. We have a rigorous and well-balanced four-field (biological, archaeological, cultural, and linguistic anthropology) undergraduate program. Our faculty ably cover a range of substantive, methodological and theoretical areas in courses that provide students with a solid grounding in anthropological perspectives. Our four-field program at the undergraduate level includes coursework in biological, archaeological, sociocultural, and linguistic anthropology. Undergraduates have an opportunity for hands-on experience and training in archaeological and bioanthropological methods. Our honors program provides a capstone experience for students. The year-long program enables students to focus on a particular empirical issue in an anthropological subdiscipline and to write an honors thesis based on that research. Please visit the Department of Anthropology for more information. 3 Year DegreesA variety of majors in Liberal Arts offer students the opportunity to complete a bachelor’s degree in three years, allowing students to enter the work force or graduate school a year earlier than traditional plans of study.
Degree Requirements
120 Credits RequiredLiberal Arts Core Curriculum
Each liberal arts major is designed as a four-year plan of study and includes three types of courses: Major, Core, and Elective. Most students take five courses per semester, with some of each type. Professional academic advisors meet individually with each of our students on a regular basis to help with course selection, academic planning, and career development, as well as to help students find additional resources on campus. For the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum click here . Departmental/Program Major Courses (36 credits)
Area A - Anthropology Requirements (15 credits)
Area B - Anthropology Selectives (21 credits)
At least (1) course must be chosen from each of the first five catagories. Only 6 hours of ANTH 41800, 42800, 43800 may be used toward area B requirements. See Selective List Other Departmental/Program Course Requirements (57 credits)
Each liberal arts major is designed as a four-year plan of study and includes three types of courses: Major, Core, and Elective. Most students take five courses per semester, with some of each type. Professional academic advisors meet individually with each of our students on a regular basis to help with course selection, academic planning, and career development, as well as to help students find additional resources on campus. For the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum click here. Electives (27 - 36 credits)
University Core Requirements
- Human Cultures Humanities
- Human Cultures Behavioral/Social Science
- Information Literacy
- Science #1
- Science #2
- Science, Technology, and Society
- Written Communication
- Oral Communication
- Quantitative Reasoning
For a complete listing of course selectives, visit the Provost’s Website. Prerequisite Information:
For current pre-requisites for courses, click here. Spring 2nd Year
- Req B6 - Credit Hours: 3.00
- Foreign Language 20200 - Credit Hours: 3.00
- Aesthetic Awareness - Credit Hours: 3.00
- Gender Issues - Credit Hours: 3.00
- Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
Spring 3rd Year
- Req B2 - Credit Hours: 3.00
- Req B6 - Credit Hours: 3.00
- Individual and Society - Credit Hours: 3.00
- Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
- Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
Spring 4th Year
- Req B4 - Credit Hours: 3.00
- Req B5 - Credit Hours: 3.00
- Global Perspective - Credit Hours: 3.00
- Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
- Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
Students must earn a “C” or better in all required Anthropology courses. The P/NP option is not available for this requirement. 2.0 Graduation GPA required for Bachelor of Arts degree. 32 credit hours at 30000 level or higher required for Bachelor of Arts degree.
Liberal Arts offers a streamlined plan of study for students pursuing a second degree outside CLA. Contact the CLA Advising Office for more information.
Foreign Language Courses
Foreign Language proficiency requirements vary by program. For acceptable languages and proficiency levels, see your advisor: American Sign Language, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, (ancient) Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish Critical Course
The ♦ course is considered critical. A Critical Course is one that a student must be able to pass to persist and succeed in a particular major. Disclaimer
The student is ultimately responsible for knowing and completing all degree requirements. The myPurduePlan powered by DegreeWorks is the knowledge source for specific requirements and completion. |