Jul 17, 2024  
2018-2019 University Catalog 
2018-2019 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Industrial Engineering Technology Supplemental Information

Science Selective (3 Credits)

Technical Elective (8 Credits)

  • Any Polytechnic Institute or Engineering (ENGR or EPCS) course not already required on the plan of study

Internship Experience (0 Credits)

Students will complete the IET Internship Experience Badge in one of the following ways:

  • Complete an IET-related internship (minimum 160 hours)
  • Complete an industry cooperative experience
  • Employment during the academic year related to IET
  • Complete an industry-based undergraduate research experience
  • Student-proposed alternative: must be commensurate with the expectations of the IET internship experience

Globalization Experience (0 Credits)

Minimum requirements:

  1. Complete Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) Pre and Post Tests
  2. Complete Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEV) Pre and Post Tests
  3. Complete an Intercultural Knowledge and Effectiveness (IKE) component
  4. Complete TLI-Approved Global Course, Faculty-Led Study Abroad, International Internship, or International Capstone/Collaborative Project

TLI-Approved Global Courses: