Jul 18, 2024  
2015-2016 University Catalog 
2015-2016 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Appendix C

Pre-Proposal Format and Content

The pre-proposal is a subset of the full proposal. Only the items printed below in black (Times New Roman type font) should be included in the pre-proposal, i. e. sections 1, 2 (excluding 2.c.iv and 2.c.v), and 5, and appendix A and C. The items printed in red are the additional items that should be included in the full proposal. The full proposal, excluding the cover page, signature page, executive summary and appendices, is constrained by the Indiana Commission on Higher Education (ICHE) to be between 8 and 15 pages. This page constraint should be kept in mind when writing the pre-proposal. Templates for the signature page and executive summary are included at the end of this section. An example pre-proposal, may be found on the Graduate Programs Office webpage, https://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/academics/gpo.html.

Format and Content

Cover Page

Signature Page

Executive Summary

  1. Characteristics of the Program
    1. Campus(es) Offering Program
    2. Scope of Delivery (Specific Sites or Statewide)
    3. Mode of Delivery (Classroom, Blended, or Online)
    4. Other Delivery Aspects (Co-ops, Internships, Clinicals, Practica, etc.)
    5. Academic Unit Offering Program
  2. Rationale for Program
    1. Institutional Rationale (e.g. Alignment with Institutional Mission and Strengths)
    2. State Rationale
    3. Evidence of Labor Market Need
      1. National, State, or Regional Need
      2. Preparation for Graduate Programs or Other Benefits
      3. Summary of Indiana DWD and/or U.S. Department of Labor Data
      4. National, State, or Regional Studies
      5. Surveys of Employers or Students and Analyses of Job Postings
      6. Letters of support (Appendix C)
  3. Cost of and Support for the Program
    1. Costs
      • Faculty and Staff
      • Facilities
      • Other Capital Costs (e.g. Equipment)
    2. Support
      • Nature of Support (New, Existing, or Reallocated)
      • Special Fees above Baseline Tuition
  4. Similar and Related Programs
    1. List of Programs and Degrees Conferred
      • Similar Programs at Other Institutions
      • Related Programs at the Proposing Institution
    2. List of Similar Programs Outside Indiana
    3. Articulation of Associate/Baccalaureate Programs
    4. Collaboration with Similar or Related Programs on Other Campuses
  5. Quality and Other Aspects of the Program
    1. Credit Hours Required/Time To Completion
    2. Exceeding the Standard Expectation of Credit Hours
    3. Program Competencies or Learning Outcomes
    4. Assessment
    5. Licensure and Certification
    6. Placement of Graduates
    7. Accreditation
  6. Projected Headcount and FTE Enrollment and Degrees Conferred (see tables provided)

Appendix A

Curriculum and Requirements

  • Admissions Requirements
  • Curriculum Requirements
  • Sample Curriculum
  • Existing courses in the proposed curriculum
  • Courses to be added

Appendix B

List program faculty and administrators. Include area of specialization for each faculty member.

A Completed COVER PAGE should be provided using the following template:


A Completed PRE-PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE should be provided using the following template:


Completed EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COVER PAGE should be provided using the following template:

Purdue University Board of Trustees …………………………..