Jul 17, 2024  
2017-2018 University Catalog 
2017-2018 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

VI. General Academic Requirements

Grades and Index Requirements

  1. A graduate student is expected to maintain a graduation index representing a B average (3.0/4.0 GPA.) or better.  Indices below this level are marked “less than good standing” on the transcript. Departments may require higher standards than the university; however, these must be clearly documented and communicated to students and consistently enforced.  Departments requiring higher standards, such as higher GPAs for probation, are responsible for managing them.  Only university-established thresholds for academic standing will be officially noted on the transcript.

Beginning with the posting of Fall 2015 grades, a graduate student who falls below a 2.0 semester GPA and/or possesses less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA will be on academic probation.  Any student on academic probation at the close of the Fall 2015 semester whose spring semester GPA and cumulative GPA (at the close of the Spring 2016 semester) falls below 2.0 will be dropped from the university. If a graduate student is on academic probation and EITHER the semester GPA or the cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above, the student will remain on probation.  Academic standing is not addressed during Summer Session.  Beyond the 2015-16 academic year, this University Senate-approved policy will be administered as follows:

  • IF: Semester GPA and Cumulative GPA are ≥ 3.0 = Good Standing
  • IF: Semester GPA or Cumulative GPA is 2.0 - 2.99 = Less than Good Standing
  • IF: Semester GPA or Cumulative GPA is < 2.0 = Probation
  • IF: On probation and both Semester GPA and Cumulative GPA are < 2.0 = Drop
  • IF: On probation and Cumulative GPA is < 2.0 but Semester Index is ≥ 2.0 = Probation
  • IF: On probation and Semester GPA is < 2.0 but Cumulative GPA is ≥ 2.0 = Probation
  • IF:  On probation and Semester GPA is ≥ 2.0 and Cumulative GPA is ≥ 2.0 = Off Probation (Less than Good Standing may be applicable.)

Any grade changes made after the initial GPA calculations will result in a recalculation of GPAs and academic standing or drop status. However, any graduate student appropriately dropped from the university must reapply. A graduate student who has been dropped for the first time is not eligible to register for at least one fall or spring semester (and summer session if applicable) following drop status. Graduate students dropped a second time at the end of the spring 2016 semester or later will normally not be considered for readmission to the Purdue University Graduate School for at least one year.  For more information, see: http://www.purdue.edu/studentregulations/regulations_procedures/scholdeficiency.html

A graduate student also is expected to earn S grades for research registration.  Two consecutive sessions of U grades for research registration mandate that the department take formal action and inform the student, in writing, and the Graduate School with regard to discontinuation or conditions for continuation of the student’s graduate study.  In any event, the student’s progress should be reviewed each session by the student’s department.  The student’s progress also may be reviewed by the Graduate School.  Should the student fail to perform in either coursework or research on a level acceptable to the advisory committee, the departmental graduate committee, or the dean of the Graduate School, he or she may be asked to discontinue graduate study at Purdue.

Before the end of the 2nd week of each session of registration for XXXX69800 and  XXXX69900, a written set of minimum expectations (e.g. data set, draft of chapter, sampling plan, IRB, lit review, manuscript, objectives of proposal) will be submitted to the student by the departmental/program representative (faculty member, program chair) supervising the credits.  Ideally these expectations would be discussed and developed jointly by the student and departmental representative.  The expectations and deliverables should align with the number of credits that the student is registered for (i.e. greater expectations for more credits).  The student should acknowledge receipt of the expectations. If questions or concerns surface regarding expectations and credit load at any time throughout the semester, the student and departmental/program representative must discuss and record the concern to an agreed upon endpoint.  For a description of the grades, please see catalog.purdue.edu (Policy Section:  Grades and Grade Reports).

If a student is assigned U grade, prior to the start of classes the next session, the departmental/program representative must develop and communicate to the student, a plan for satisfactory continuation. The student is responsible for meeting with the departmental/program representative to discuss this plan.  Both the student and the departmental/program representative must acknowledge the corrective plan.

The graduation index for graduate students includes all grades earned in 50000- and 60000-level courses taken while enrolled as a graduate student, except FR, GER, RUSS, or SPAN 60100, 60300, or 60500 (Section VI-D-4), plus grades received in 30000- or 40000-level courses taken while in the graduate program (once they are approved as part of the graduate plan of study). When 30000- and 40000-level courses are listed on the approved plan of study, and completed with a B- or better grade, grades associated with those courses will be added into the graduation index.  If a student receives less than a B- in a 30000- or 40000-level course, then the course must be retaken or removed from the plan of study.

If a Purdue course taken by a graduate student is repeated for a grade, the Registrar’s Office will delete the first grade from a student’s graduation index, providing that specific course was originally taken while the student was enrolled as a graduate student.  Neither excess undergraduate Purdue courses nor courses transferred from another institution are used in computing the graduation index. 

Courses taken as pass/not pass or satisfactory/unsatisfactory are unacceptable on plans of study.  Grade option changes will not be approved by the Graduate School except in cases of a clerical or mechanical error during the normal drop/add period.  Coursework required for a degree will be complete when a student obtains grades for all courses on the plan of study that meet grade requirements of the department and the Graduate School.

  1. Degree and Registration Requirements

    In order for a degree to be granted by the Purdue University Graduate School, it is important for a significant component of that degree to be directed by Purdue graduate faculty; therefore, the following registration requirements exist.  Registration is defined as formal enrollment in courses offered by Purdue University, including courses offered via distance learning technologies.  Courses include all Purdue University graduate courses approved by the student’s graduate committee, including formal coursework and research credits.

    In fulfilling degree requirements, a maximum of 18 credit hours (from one or more institutions) will be allowed from any one session. A maximum of 9 credits (from one or more institutions) taken during Summer Session, are permitted to fulfill graduation requirements. Beginning with new students enrolling in Fall 2016, Krannert master’s students may use a maximum of 19 credit hours taken during the fall and spring semesters and 13 credit hours taken during the summer session to fulfill degree requirements.

    The total number of hours of academic credit used to satisfy degree requirements consists of all graduate course credit hours with a grade of C- or better (B- or better for 30000- or 40000-level courses) that appear on the plan of study and the appropriate number of research credit hours (69800 and 69900) with grades of S that appear on the Purdue transcript. [See Section VII-B-1-a-(1) ]
    1. Master Degree
      1. At least one-half of the total credit hours used to satisfy degree requirements must be earned while registered at Purdue University.
      2. More than 50 percent of the Purdue credits must be earned through the campus where the degree is conferred.
      3. At least 30 total credit hours are required.
      4. With the exception of doctoral students who are re-classified as master’s students and leave the Graduate School with the master’s degree, 69900 credits may not be used towards the fulfillment of master’s degree requirements.
    2. Doctor of Philosophy Degree
      1. At least one-third of the total credit hours used to satisfy degree requirements must be earned while registered for doctoral study at Purdue University.
      2. At least 90 total credit hours are required
      3. A master’s degree or professional doctoral degree from any accredited institution may be considered to contribute up to 30 credit hours toward satisfying this requirement at the discretion of the student’s graduate program. (The intent of this policy is to provide colleges/schools, departments, and a student’s advisory committee with flexibility in determining what credits, [up to a maximum of 30 and earned from the master’s or professional doctoral degree] may be applied toward the Ph.D. degree. These credit hours are not subject to the “Five-Year Rule” that prohibits the use of out-of-date coursework on plans of study. See Section VII-B-1-a .).
      4. Under no circumstances may 69800 credits, other than as part of the 30 credits which may be used from a master’s degree, contribute toward the 90 credits required for a Doctor of Philosophy degree
  2. Maximum Time Limits for Completion of Ph.D. Degree

    Each department should establish policies to assure that graduate students complete their Ph.D. degree programs in a period of time that is reasonable and commensurate with the practice of scholarship in that field.  Current policies governing the completion of the Ph.D. degree should be filed with the dean of the Graduate School.  In formulating completion policies, departments should give special consideration to the conditions that must be met before students can be recommended for research in absentia.  
  3. Knowledge of a Language Other than English

    There is no Graduate School general requirement of knowledge of a language other than English for seekers of advanced degrees.  Some departments, however, do require a reading knowledge of one or more languages other than English.  This requirement may be indicated on the plan of study; however, the Graduate School does not monitor the satisfactory completion of any such requirements.

    If a department requires reading knowledge of one or more languages other than English, the department may stipulate its own method to be used by a student whose native language does not satisfy this requirement.  When a department wants the School of Languages and Cultures to administer the examination, evaluate the performance, and validate the competency, that department must consult with the School of Languages and Cultures a session in advance of the student’s deadline for establishing knowledge in a language other than English.