2017-2018 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Comparative Pathobiology
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Welcome to the Department of Comparative Pathobiology. Comparative Pathobiology is the study of disease phenomena basic to all species including humans, at the molecular, cellular, organismal and ecosystem level. Our faculty, staff and students are involved in research and learning in a variety of areas including pathobiology, infectious diseases and vaccines, cancer biology, nanomedicine, toxicology, disease surveillance and human-animal interactions.
Contact Information
Comparative Pathobiology
Ramesh Vemulapalli, BVSc, MVSc, PhD
Department Head, Department of Comparative Pathobiology
Professor of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology
Phone: 765.494.7560
Email: rvemulap@purdue.edu
Graduate Information
For Graduate Information please see Comparative Pathobiology Graduate Program Information .
CoursesComparative Pathobiology
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