About the Program
Finance is the study of wealth and assets, typically money, of a person or a corporation. You will discover what “the time value of money” means, how to manage corporate cash flow and how to effectively allocate resources.
You will study investment management, financial analytic tools and corporate forecasting. After taking accounting and economics, you’ll begin to analyze money in different ways to answer questions like: How do multinational corporations account for currency exchanges? When you are buying another company, how do you decide how much it is worth? What is involved when companies have their Initial Public Offering?
A range of opportunities are available to start your career in Finance. Graduates can start out as financial analysts in large corporations looking at the bottom line and predicting profits. Other opportunities exist in a fast-paced financial leadership development programs or investment banking.
Summary of Program Requirements
The Summary of Program Requirements for Finance is a comprehensive list of those categories which a student must fulfill in order to earn their degree. Unlike the full Detailed Program Requirements listed below, complete lists of selectives for any given category are not shown. These summaries are intended to be printer-friendly and less expansive in detail.
Detailed Program Requirements
Please see below for detailed program requirements and possible selective fulfillments.
Bachelor of Science in Management
Major: Finance
Minimum credit hours: 120
Management Admissions Index Core (MAI)
- To be automatically admitted into upper division, students who have completed all courses in the MAI must have at least a 3.00 MAI GPA and a 2.50 cumulative GPA, have a C- or higher in all MAI and School of Management courses, and may not be on academic probation.
- Requirements for upper division can be found online: http://www.krannert.purdue.edu/undergraduate/current-students/mgmt/mgmt-req-upper-div.asp
- MAI courses, or their equivalents, may only be enrolled in two times for a grade.
- A maximum of three MAI courses may be retaken.
- School of Management, MAI, and concentration courses with grades of “F” can only be retaken at Purdue University.
- Previous enrollments as a non-School of Management student in MA 16100 , MA 16200 , MA 16500 , MA 16600 do not count against the retake policy.