About the Program
Anthropology is unique among the social sciences in considering humankind from a holistic perspective that aims for an understanding of how culture, biology, history and language intersect. We have a rigorous and well-balanced four-field (biological, archaeological, cultural, and linguistic anthropology) undergraduate program. Our faculty ably cover a range of substantive, methodological and theoretical areas in courses that provide students with a solid grounding in anthropological perspectives.
Our four-field program at the undergraduate level includes coursework in biological, archaeological, sociocultural, and linguistic anthropology. Undergraduates have an opportunity for hands-on experience and training in archaeological and bioanthropological methods.
Our honors program provides a capstone experience for students. The year-long program enables students to focus on a particular empirical issue in an anthropological subdiscipline and to write an honors thesis based on that research.
Please visit https://www.cla.purdue.edu/anthropology/undergraduate/index.html for more information.
Summary of Program Requirements
The Summary of Program Requirements for Anthropology is a comprehensive list of those categories which a student must fulfill in order to earn their degree. Unlike the full Detailed Program Requirements listed below, complete lists of selectives for any given category are not shown. These summaries are intended to be printer-friendly and less expansive in detail.
Detailed Program Requirements
Please see below for detailed program requirements and possible selective fulfillments.
120 Credits
“C” or better required in all ANTH courses